Why Trump’s legal team chose Four Seasons Total Landscaping for an election press conference


President Donald Trump’s legal team met on Saturday morning in Philadelphia for a press conference where they shared conspiracy theories on why Trump lost the 2020 election. The president’s lawyers are working to find ways to overturn the election results is notable, but it is perhaps even more the case where they chose to hold their conference: Four Seasons Total Landscaping.

The small business, which bills itself as a 27-year-old, female-owned business that has grown to serve large customers (including the city’s airport) appears to be an American success story. But the decision to hold the conference there, in front of a white garage door lined with campaign signs, was incredibly odd. It seemed awkward and small, the antithesis of a president and a campaign that has long valued overblown visuals and maximum entertainment value.

The announcement of the event gave the impression that it would be a typical Trump team affair full of glitter: “Lawyers News Conference Four Seasons, Philadelphia. 11:00 am, ”Trump tweeted on Saturday morning.

He later clarified, however, that he wouldn’t actually be standing in the hotel chain but in the now famous landscaping company, which the Four Seasons Hotel Philadelphia confirmed on Twitter:

The internet exploded with mockery and memes upon the clarification, assuming there was confusion at the head of the Trump campaign. The New York Times, however, reported that the error was “not in the reservation, but in a distorted phone game.” The president was apparently told the conference would be held at the company but misunderstood the name of the venue, believing it would be held in the upscale hotel.

In many ways, this confusion is indicative of the Trump presidency and the help he received from his team of lawyers, led by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who chaired the conference.

Throughout his presidency, Trump has made big proclamations of things to come – whether it’s a statewide border wall paid for by other countries, or a health care plan that he insisted on protecting pre-existing conditions.

But when these things happen – if they do – they’re a lot less impressive than promised. Only 15 miles of new border wall have been built, for example, when Trump’s repeatedly promised healthcare plan is said to be forthcoming.in two weeks»Never materialized.

Giuliani also had this tendency; he spent months preparing Special Advocate Robert Mueller’s report on the potential collusion between Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia touting an explosive counter report that never happened. His publicity quest to find dirt on President-elect Joe Biden has revealed nothing, and his recent attempts to play dirty material found on a laptop that he claims once belonged to Biden’s son Hunter Biden have been confusing and weird – and haven’t gone anywhere.

Instead of giving the administration positive achievements, these grand promises from Trump and his allies underscored their ineptitude while distracting attention from important issues. This is what happened on Saturday: The bizarre venue choice eclipsed the point from the press conference, which was intended to highlight Giuliani’s take up of refuted conspiracy theories about massive voter fraud.

The lies the press conference was supposed to be about, briefly explained

Shortly before noon on Saturday, reporters gathered at an industrial park in north Philadelphia for a press conference with Giuliani, Trump’s legal adviser and former Florida attorney general Pam Bondi, and Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s campaign advisor .

The team had called the press conference to share baseless accusations of electoral malfeasance. Giuliani has made several false statements about non-existent voting irregularities in Pennsylvania, mistakenly complaining that poll observers were not allowed to count state locations, a claim that has been overturned by courts and tribunals. publicly available video evidence.

These claims, while false, echoed Trump’s election rhetoric. The president spent much of Saturday playing golf and tweeting lies about vote counting issues; later he said he had no intention of conceding.

But Giuliani’s words ultimately attracted little attention: As Trump’s lawyer began speaking, reporters suddenly began packing their gear to leave.

Several mainstream media had just triggered Biden’s election.

It was a poignant moment of clarity and, it seems, a symbolic repudiation of Giuliani’s wild and baseless conspiracy theories. He continued his remarks, though not many people paid attention: There was a newly elected president, one who rejects the style promoted by the president and his lawyer.

The campaign, which held a number of similar press conferences in Philadelphia in an attempt to cast doubt on the state’s vote count, struggled to find suitable venues for these events. Earlier in the week, Bondi and Lewandowski attempted to hold a press conference in the town following a court ruling that allowed observers to stand just 6 feet from workers who were counting ballots, rather than 20 feet. They tried to pass the decision off as a victory; However, a nearby DJ blasted Beyoncé’s music and completely drowned their remarks.

The space outside the Philadelphia Convention Center, where the votes were tallied, was filled all week with Biden supporters chanting “count every vote.” This made the setting difficult for Trump’s various press conferences baselessly alleging electoral fraud.

So a new, more remote location has been researched and apparently found at the Four Seasons. “All the great Americans in the PA use Four Seasons Total Landscaping,” Lewandowski tweeted later Saturday. “They love this country and are American patriots. Thank you!!”

But even there, far from downtown, reality has pervaded and overshadowed Team Trump’s message. However, the choice of location appeared to benefit the company itself, which quickly grew from an obscure landscaper to a place of national interest – and worked to capitalize on its newfound notoriety on Sunday:

The Trump era may have roared like a lion, but it’s slowly fading

The whole debacle, from the low-end venue to racing reporters to the president’s lawyer declaiming unrelated to reality, provided a gripping visual for the end of election week and a desperate end to the Trump era for the United States.

The president and the right-wing media apparatus in the United States have spent the past four years building an alternate reality in which the most powerful man in the world and the lawmakers around him – who at one time completely controlled the government – were perpetual victims. conspiracies and blood feuds.

They confused the country in these demands, leading to long battles over the Mueller report as well as the impeachment of the president. All claims seemed to suggest that Trump was justified in his attempts to sidestep norms, break laws, and gain more power.

The president has long indicated he would contest a loss in a close election, but it is not that close. Liberals and progressives had feared Trump’s ploy might work, the same way he escaped impeachment and was not held responsible for multiple abuses of power over the past four years. But ultimately, even Trump can’t turn electoral math around.

The idea that several states, some of which are controlled by Republicans, conspired to illegally steal an election victory from Trump is ludicrous. And the Four Seasons press conference was a real time when the Emperor has no clothes: A presidency that began with Trump’s descent into a golden hall ended in a lonely landscaping company, the press packing and leaving instead of staying and listening to nonsense.


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