Will the COVID-19 vaccine be mandatory for children?


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An effective vaccine will be crucial in the fight against SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19. With the help of the White House’s Operation Warp Speed, several manufacturers have conducted clinical trials on vaccine candidates. Experts are hoping one of them will receive public use clearance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in mid-2021.

For the spread of the coronavirus to slow, a large part of the population would need to be vaccinated. “If enough people don’t take the vaccine, it won’t work to curb the pandemic,” says Supriya Narasimhan, MD, MS (Epi), division chief of infectious diseases, hospital epidemiologist and medical director of infection prevention. Santa Clara Valley Medical Center.

Naturally, this raises questions for parents, especially those who are concerned about the safety of the vaccine. Can the federal, state, or local government mandate vaccines? What about your child’s school or your employer? Here’s what families need to know.

First, is the COVID-19 vaccine safe?

Not everyone is happy with the government’s fast-track vaccine approval schedule. According to a Gallup survey released in mid-November, only 58% of Americans say they would get vaccinated. Many fear that researchers have sacrificed safety precautions to develop a COVID-19 vaccine more quickly. Healthcare professionals, however, do not necessarily share these fears.

The FDA has worked closely with experts to develop an effective vaccine design – before it even had any candidates, says Christine Turley, MD, pediatric specialist and vice president of research at Atrium Health Levine Children’s. The organization saved time by speeding up administrative steps, she said, but security protocols were followed correctly.

“I am encouraged that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Dr Anthony Fauci have promised data transparency and have assured us that scientific rigor will not be compromised by the Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) for vaccine monitoring, ”adds Dr Narasimhan. “I am also cautiously optimistic because preliminary reports on vaccine effectiveness are much more promising than initially expected.” (The initial FDA requirements for vaccine efficacy were 50%, but current vaccine pioneers – Pfizer and Moderna – have shown efficacy of around 95%.)

It’s important to note, however, that clinical trials for a COVID-19 vaccine have largely ruled out children – although Pfizer has started to conduct pediatric trials, and more will likely follow. We don’t yet know if children will be approved for a vaccine with the general population, or if more research needs to be done first. The FDA wants to ensure the safety of the vaccine before it is made available to children.

Can the government prescribe a COVID-19 vaccine?

In August, infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci said he didn’t think a vaccine would be mandatory for U.S. citizens. However, when it comes to public health, federal, state, and local governments have different regulations and policies. Here is where they stand:

Federal government and vaccines

The federal government would find it difficult to make a vaccine mandatory. Thanks to the limitations set out in the Constitution, public health measures are generally the responsibility of states. Nonetheless, the White House could still encourage or recommend that American citizens receive the COVID-19 vaccine. It could also implement incentives – for example, citizens cannot obtain a US passport or driver’s license without proof of vaccination.

State governments and vaccines

States may require vaccines if deemed necessary for public health. You can thank a 1905 Supreme Court case called Jacobson v. Massachusetts, which set the precedent by letting Cambridge impose smallpox vaccination during an outbreak. Failure to comply resulted in a fine of $ 5.

There has already been talk of potential vaccination warrants in some states. In November, for example, the New York State Bar Association passed a resolution urging lawmakers to consider implementing a vaccination mandate for residents. Nothing is set in stone, however, and it is up to lawmakers to make the final decision.

Keep in mind that states cannot require just any vaccine. It is to be recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) – and even then, it will likely be the subject of much legal debate with state legislatures or city councils. Given the current political climate, experts also recognize that the public outcry would likely result from a mandate, and they will consider whether universal immunization is worth it.

Local governments and vaccines

As long as it is reasonable and in the public interest, cities can also impose vaccines. Some experts believe this could be happening in hot spots, such as large cities. This actually happened during the measles outbreak in New York City in 2019, which led to vaccination orders in four zip codes in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Those who refuse the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine can be fined $ 1,000.

Can school districts mandate vaccines?

Schools already prescribe certain vaccines, such as polio, DTap (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis), MMR (measles, croup and rubella), chickenpox (chickenpox) and hepatitis B. There is nothing to say they can’t Vaccine against covid19. The decision is actually up to the states, which are also calling for medical, religious and philosophical exemptions.

When making the decision, experts will weigh the pros and cons, deciding whether the benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential risks. They will also consider the following information: COVID-19 typically shows mild symptoms in children, although severe cases and deaths have rarely been reported. However, school children could pass the virus on to parents, grandparents and others with underlying health conditions. Vaccinating children could eliminate a major source of the spread of the coronavirus, possibly increasing the effectiveness of herd immunity, notes Dr Turley.

Can employers regulate vaccines?

Listen, Moms and Dads: Employers have the power to force vaccinations on their employees, and they could technically fire anyone who doesn’t follow protocol. Of course, there are a few exceptions, and some businesses (like healthcare facilities and retirement homes) are more likely to implement regulations. Employers should also consider religious exemptions under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as medical exemptions under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Can companies impose vaccines?

Can your family’s favorite store, restaurant, trade show, or event location require vaccines? In fact, the answer is yes. Even without a statewide or local vaccination mandate, companies are allowed to set their own policies, just as they can turn away shirtless or shoeless customers. Business owners simply cannot discriminate on cultural, religious or other grounds.


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