With 200,000 new cases, 100,000 hospitalizations, the United States sets records


The United States took another grim milestone on Wednesday, with nearly 205,000 new cases of Covid-19 reported in a single day, according to an NBC News tally.

The figure comes just a month after the one-day record in the United States for the first time surpassed 100,000 cases.

More than 2,700 people died on Wednesday, the data showed.

And more people than ever are hospitalized with the coronavirus. The COVID tracking project reported 100,000 people were hospitalized across the country on Wednesday.

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Much of the United States has seen an increase in cases over the past month. In the past two weeks, this outbreak has been most acute in New Mexico, Arizona and California, where the percentage of new cases has increased by 109%, 90% and 75%, respectively, according to NBC data. News.

“Cases are increasing, hospitalizations are increasing, deaths are increasing. We have to try to bend the curve, stop this exponential increase, ”CDC COVID-19 incident manager Dr. Henry Walke said in a briefing Wednesday.

Health experts are bracing for a possible increase in travel-related cases after Thanksgiving. Cases arising from the holidays are likely to appear about a week to 10 days after Thanksgiving.

CDC director Dr Robert Redfield had a terrible prediction for the winter months. “I actually believe this will be the most difficult time in the history of public health in this country,” he said.

Just like they did before Thanksgiving, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is recommending that people cancel their travel plans for the December vacation.

But if you have to, take before and after coronavirus tests, experts said Wednesday.

The agency announced new, shorter quarantine guidelines on Wednesday after possible exposure to the coronavirus.

Previous agency guidelines were to quarantine for 14 days, but now they suggest two alternatives.

The first is to end the quarantine after 10 days if no symptoms are reported, Walke said. The second option is to end the quarantine after seven days if a person tests negative and also reports no symptoms.


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