Woman crushes 500 bottles of alcohol in UK supermarket


A berserk woman engaged in an alcohol-related rampage – smashing hundreds of bottles of wine and spirits at a UK supermarket on Wednesday.

The woman walked into an Aldi supermarket in Stevenage, England, and began smashing 500 bottles of alcohol, resulting in approximately $ 130,000 in damages, according to local reports.

A social media video shows the woman – wearing a gray hoodie, khaki pants and a backpack – grab the bottles from the shelves and smash them on the floor.

A trail of broken glass and alcohol on the ground can be seen behind the woman.

Other footage shows the woman sliding and falling on the broken glass as onlookers say she was cut and was bleeding from her right hand.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” one man said off camera.

Later, a policeman catches the woman and escorts her out of the supermarket, a video shows.

Local reports say the unidentified woman was arrested and treated at a hospital for her injuries.


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