Woman thought she was having a miscarriage, but it was colon cancer


Jenna Scott was seven months pregnant when she unknowingly started experiencing symptoms of colon cancer in 2016.

Rectal bleeding and stomach pain made her believe she was having a miscarriage, Scott told USA Today. Doctors told the 31-year-old pregnant woman that the aches were not of concern and was just part of the pregnancy.

But when they persisted after giving birth, Scott, now 34, was diagnosed with stage four colorectal cancer.

“He told me I had cancer,” Scott said. “We had built such a good rapport until this point, I laughed and laughed… and I said, ‘Seriously?’ I thought he was playing and then he just had a straight face. ”

Pregnancy masked cancer symptoms, delaying treatment

Symptoms of colorectal cancer, or cancer of the colon and rectum, include abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, and fatigue: all symptoms that can be associated with pregnancy.

Scott never suspected that a person his age could have some form of aggressive cancer, especially as someone who ate healthy foods and exercised regularly.

While the early stages of colon cancer are very treatable and have a 90% survival rate, the advanced and deadlier stages of colorectal cancer are affecting more and more young people. The growing number of colon cancer cases affecting young people disproportionately affects black communities across the United States.

Chadwick Boseman’s death sparked wider discussion about racial disparities in colorectal cancer deaths

“Black Panther” star Chadwick Boseman died last year at age 43 after a four-year battle with colorectal cancer. His death sparked a widespread discussion about colorectal cancer, particularly in communities of color.

Research over the past 30 years suggests that the rates of colon cancer and rectal cancer are on the rise in people under the age of 40. to only 40% of those diagnosed over 50 years of age.

This increase in severe cases of colon cancer among young people is dramatic in black communities, as studies show that blacks are more likely to be diagnosed with colon cancer and die from the disease.

Scott told USA Today that she spent her time promoting colorectal cancer awareness in black communities while fighting the disease.

“I’m really focused on getting the word out to my community, the black community, because we don’t really talk about it,” she said. “We don’t really go to doctors like we should and access to health care is not that easy.”


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