Woman who lost sister to suicide speaks out to raise awareness


BOWLING GREEN, Ky. – Suicide statistics are often overlooked. Many families often only talk about it in low voices because the pain is so deep.

Morgan Hoover of News 40 sat down and spoke with a family member who is still emotional, even though she lost her sister 11 years ago.

“10 years later, 11 years later, it still takes me”

Rebecca Coursey is the big sister of a bubbly blonde named Cara Lynn.

“We were standing outside laughing and talking and quoting lines from movies… we really didn’t see it coming.

Although seemingly happy and outgoing on the outside, Cara Lynn was struggling with something much darker on the inside.

“We didn’t see the pain she felt because she was a beautiful girl and had just got married. She texted me and said I wasn’t feeling well. I don’t know what I’m going to do .. “

“So after that, I called her and texted her, but we couldn’t reach her. “

Rebecca paused as she said the words that visibly hurt her heart. “She overdosed. She struggled for about two weeks, then had a stroke. When you get that call at 3 in the morning, it’s hard… it’s really hard.

Cara Lynn would have turned 37 last week, and like many people who have lost loved ones to suicide, Rebecca says she feels intense guilt.

“I could see the signs and I have a lot of guilt with it and I think a lot of survivors who lost their family or friends, I think that’s one of the things that goes through the guilt of why I haven’t seen this or why haven’t I called 911.

“At that point you don’t feel it’s going to get better, you feel like it’s going to last forever and you feel a bit like a burden on people and I think that’s the one of the things people think might be burdens but it isn’t. “

“It’s a long term solution to a short term problem.”

Rebecca is now using Cara Lynn’s legacy to help others struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts.

“A year later, I woke up in the middle of the night and felt something pull in my heart. I needed to do something. I couldn’t help her, I couldn’t save her but maybe I could help other people “

“Never lose hope and I know hope exists because I have lived it.”

There is always hope and there is always help. Locally, there are many organizations that can help if you or a loved one is struggling with mental illness, depression, or suicidal thoughts.

Rebecca is involved in the NAMI organization i.e. the National Alliance on Mental Illness, they run weekly support groups.

A number of support systems have also been created on the WKU campus. Jay Gabbard is the vice president of NAMI, he tells me that many middle school students struggle with mental illness and many don’t always know how to seek help or think there is a stigma associated with mental illness.

He says campus suicides have increased, and to combat that, they’ve created a campus support group for people struggling with suicidal thoughts.

If you or someone you know needs help, there are several ways to contact us.

The national suicide helpline is 1-800-273-TALK. This will put you in touch with a local representative.

You can also contact LifeSkills, they offer mental health services, their number is 270-901-5000.


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