Women complain of bad smell, and all because of the keto diet


The ketogenic (or "keto") diet low in carbohydrates and fat continues to gain popularity, with many people trying this craze as a weight loss solution.

It has even attracted celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Jenna Jameson, who swear by its benefits.

However, some women have noticed some strange changes in their female area – which has been dubbed since "the keto crotch".

According to Women's Health, the low-carb diet – initially designed to treat patients with epilepsy who did not respond to traditional medicine – had begun to emit an intense odor.

Although there are no clinical studies or research to support this claim, women are flooding Reddit to share their "strange" experience.

One woman said that despite losing weight and improving her bowel health, she noticed a "strange odor from below".

"I do not have any infection or strangeness because I went to the doctor, I shower myself every day and I keep myself very clean … but the last two weeks, I'm not sure. I had that strong smell .. It's not my little because my little one is clear, "she explained.

Experts say this could be caused by a change in food consumption, as people have also complained about "keto blast".

Obstetrician and Gynecologist Sherry A. Ross explained in an interview with the Daily Mail why foods can alter the odors emitted by the vagina.

"The saying" you are what you eat "is valid for the smells coming from the vagina," she said, adding that changing the number of fats and carbohydrates in women's diets does not make any difference. was not the only dietary change likely to have an impact on the vagina.

"Pungent foods and spices seem to take a fast lane into our body through blood circulation, lungs, sweat and vaginal secretions, which creates particularly intense odors under the arms, on the scalp, in the genitals … everywhere, "said Dr. Ross to the publication.

"Foods likely to emit a particularly unpleasant smell include: garlic, onions, mint, turmeric, curry, blue cheese and other fermented foods, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and asparagus. "

Womens Health explained that when your body was in ketosis (breaking down fat into fuel instead of carbohydrates), it was producing ketones (chemicals such as acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone) . These are chemicals naturally produced by your body. More of them on the keto diet, the excess can make your poo, your pee and your breath a little more stinky.

And because the keto diet requires a mix of protein and protein rich foods, it can be a fit for your body, and may even cause "smelly" side effects.

"Food changes the body's pH, and when that happens, the body emits certain odors," said Lisa De Fazio, nutritionist and dietitian, at The Insider.

"The keto diet (can) change your vaginal pH, which changes your vaginal odor – and it may not smell like roses," she said.

According to the nutritionist, a pH imbalance can lead to "bad" bacterial growth, which can in turn cause irritation, odor and infections such as bacterial vaginosis – the most common vaginal infection in menstruates .

"The pH balance is an important factor in maintaining vaginal health," she told the publication. "A high-fat diet, especially saturated fats, like the keto diet, increases the vaginal pH and therefore increases the risk of bacterial vaginosis."

A vagina should have a pH of between 3.8 and 4.5, which means that it is moderately acidic, De Fazio explained, pointing out that it can vary slightly depending on your stage of life .

"During your reproductive years, 15 to 49 years, your vaginal pH should be less than or equal to 4.5, but before the menses and after menopause, a healthy pH tends to be greater than 4.5 ", did he declare.

"An acidic vaginal environment is protective and creates a barrier that prevents unhealthy bacteria and yeasts from multiplying too quickly and causing an infection."


Exercise physiologist, Sydney-based Drew Harrisberg, dropped the keto diet after four months, saying it was an unsustainable and dangerous diet.

He stated that even though he was getting excellent aesthetic results, he had also suffered adverse effects such as a bad body odor.

"I hardly had a body odor before I started playing keto, so I noticed that my odor under my arms was deteriorating considerably," Harrisberg told news.com.au.

"I am diabetic and my management has been hit hard, I became insulin resistant.

See this post on Instagram

"Why did I leave the ketogenic diet?" That's me, after 2 months of ketogenic diet. I was thin, fit, very concentrated and concentrated, I could spend long hours without eating, my blood sugar was very stable and my insulin requirements were low. At this point, I was a big supporter of this way of eating. I have been sold. – Two months later, I became the most insulin resistant I know! I've lost all the metabolic flexibility. Of course, I was a very efficient fat burner, but that was at the expense of our ability to tolerate glucose. Not only could I no longer eat the smallest amount of carbs without a spike in blood sugar, but I was insulin resistant meant to bring my level back to normal levels. The worst thing is, even though I have not eaten anything and my liver is putting glucose in my blood, I can not fix my hyperglycemia because I was resistant to the insulin I was injecting. . I felt like I was about to develop type 2 diabetes (type 1 is more than enough, thank you). It was a scary place to be. – After realizing that the large amounts of saturated animal fat that I ate (eggs, chicken, meat, fatty dairy products … and non-animal fat derived from coconut oil) made me insulin-resistant I decided to ship it. in a trip at the other end of the spectrum to see if removing these foods and eating more carbohydrate – rich plants would reverse the metabolic damage that I had caused. So … I immediately embarked on a journey strictly based on a whole plant. Within 48 hours, my sensitivity to insulin has returned to normal. In less than a week, I was taking the most carbohydrates I had since my diabetes, with LESS INSULIN. The results were amazing. I can not wait to see where this trip will take me in the long run. – ? COMPLETE VIDEO ON MY IGTV? Whether you have diabetes or not, look and leave a comment. I would like to start the conversation

An article shared by DREW HARRISBERG (@ drews.daily.dose) on

"Unfortunately for people on keto, there is not enough scientific data to prove it in the long run.I personally think it's a disastrous diet.Some symptoms are improving, but that's so short-sighted. "

Because you consume a huge amount of animal protein and dairy products (high in fat) during a keto diet, Mr. Harrisberg said that it alters your intestinal microbiome (intestinal flora), essential to your health.

"On the diet, it changes your intestinal ecology into much less favorable bacteria, which in turn will change your gut and affect things like your skin and" there "for women," said Harrisberg.

After adopting a herbal approach three months ago, the physiologist said that his body odor had been reversed and that his health benefits had been improved.

"In my opinion, the keto diet essentially has the effect of modifying your microbiome and that the changes are detrimental to your health – this could be the cause of a driving effect arising from the consumption of alcohol. high-fat foods, products of animal origin, which then causes systemic changes, "he said.


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