World in early stages of new wave of COVID-19, WHO chief warns


The head of the World Health Organization warned on Wednesday that the world was in the early stages of a new wave of coronavirus infections and deaths.

What he says : The global failure to share vaccines, tests and treatments has led to a “two-way pandemic – the haves open up, while the have-nots lock in,” Chief Executive Officer Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a speech at an International Olympic Committee Meeting.

  • “Nations that have adequate resources like vaccines are opening up, while others are locking themselves down in an attempt to slow the transmission of the virus,” Tedros added, calling the gap “a horrible injustice”.
  • “It’s not just moral outrage, it’s also epidemiologically and economically self-destructive,” Tedros said. “The pandemic is a test and the world is failing. “
  • “The pandemic will end when the world chooses to end it. It’s in our hands … We have all the tools we need: we can prevent this disease, we can test it and treat it,” he said. he noted.

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Tedros called the pandemic a “test” and added that the world “is failing”, noting that more than 4 million people have died.

What to watch: Tedros said that with the heads of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization, he called for “a massive global push” to vaccinate at least 10 people in each country by September, at minus 40 by the end. 2021 and 70 by mid-2022.

  • “If we achieve these goals, we can not only end the pandemic, we can also restart the global economy. “


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