World of Warcraft Classic fans need help identifying bugs


Image: entertainment blizzard

World of Warcraft Classic is intended to bring fans of the success of the Blizzard MMORPG into simpler moments. But memory, in the end, is a fun thing.

The new-old Sensationalclassical is restoring on the MMO many rules and systems that have defined its 2005 version – will not be launched until the summer, but players are now participating in the closed beta test. And a seemingly significant number of them face problems that they report as bugs.

There is just one problem: some of these bugs are actually features.

It's hard to say how many people make the mistake when classical It's not even out yet. But the number is apparently large enough for Blizzard to have found it necessary to shoot down a bunch of Sensational features of the "Not A Bug" list posted on the Blizzard forums.

Here, the intro says it all: "As we have already discussed, the nature of WoW Classic sometimes invokes different memories for different actors, which leads some people to misunderstand what works and what does not. "

If you are playing WoW Classic For the moment, or if you are looking forward to the launch of summer, here is an overview of everything that is in the game at the present time, which is certainly not a bug.

* Tauren hitboxes and their melee range are slightly larger than those of other races.
* Being critically hit while using / sitting to sit does not cause activation of abilities such as Enrage, Blood Craze and Reckoning.
* The use of the "Automatic Quest Tracking" option does not automatically track recently accepted quests. (Instead, he will begin to follow an existing quest once progress toward a goal has begun.)
* Regeneration of warrior's health is working at the expected rate.
* The objectives and points of interest of the quests are not followed on the map or on the mini-map.
* Completed quests are marked with a dot on the mini-map. (and not a "?")
* Fearful players and NPCs run fast.
* Standing above other players face to face allows the use of spells and attacks.
* Creature spawn rates are much slower than in Battle for Azeroth.
* NPCs with multiple quests can display them inconsistently as points or "!" In the list of available quests. They were inconsistent in 1.12 and we reproduced the exact incoherence they had at the time.
* Quests whose level is too low not to appear as a "!" In the world of gambling
* Available quests have no "!" On the mini-map.
* At the top level, the message: "Your ability to protection increased to 15 "was added in 1.12.1, and we intend to keep it.

Some of them could read you as if they were to be bugs. The above list "not a bug" notes even at one point that "we have reproduced the exact inconsistency [from] at the time. "Part of the appeal here is to bring players back to the original game they remember, quirks and everything.

WoW Classic should be available to all players on August 27, 2019.

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