WWE Raw Results, Recap, Feedback (June 3, 2019): Cashing


It must be the most WWE thing imaginable.

Brock Lesnar would quickly cash out his Money in the Bank contract, until he heard Paul Heyman note that he had a whole year to do it as he pleased. He bailed out at that time, because that's his choice, right?

WWE then publishes a completely meaningless video, in which Stephanie McMahon explains that it's not cool for Lesnar to act as if he would cash in and ignore that fact. There would be repercussions and so on. The response was immediate, and Paul Heyman bluntly declared that Lesnar would earn money Monday night Raw, and that WWE would promote it in the days leading up to the show.

This is an easy way to convince fans to play. A first appearance of Seth Rollins, world champion, on Miz TV, clearly showed that they would not go right away, because it was used to tease him without actually letting him down. It also makes sense as a grading scheme.

Then, a little later, Rollins shows up to start Lesnar. Instead, we get Baron Corbin. It's really a way to soften Rollins so that he is ready for the arrival of Lesnar. When he does, he will absolutely defeat the champion's garbage, to the point that he will eventually do a stretcher job. He did however do this job with his title because Lesnar, despite a clear and easy opening to win the title, proclaimed loudly that he would actually send it to Friday at the Jeddah Super ShowDown.

So the WWE used what looked like a guaranteed title change as a ploy to attract viewers only to discard them, not to broadcast what was advertised, but rather to try to sell to fans who, no, really, they will deliver it next time and you just tune in to Super ShowDown to see it. This "that", by the way, is something no one wants to see anyway. And this series, by the way, is a show they're doing in Saudi Arabia for money they should not be taking. This program airs at 2 pm ET, by the way, while many people are still at work.

But, hey, you can watch it when you get home on the WWE award-winning network!

It's the worst story, everyone looks bad and instead of making me want to watch the games it's meant to be aimed at, I'm convinced that it's a total waste of time and total than to believe in everything the WWE says or does.


Undertaker arrived with only a few minutes in the show. The only reason he was there was to say that he really would like old Goldberg to show up at Super ShowDown and not the father who is just there to make his family happy. Because if he does not, their first game together will be Goldberg's final match, period.

When the reaper waves you, you answer his call. I will claim your soul for all eternity. Goldberg … you are next! "

What's amazing is that it was probably one of the best promos that Unertaker has cut for the last ten years, but that does not matter, because I can not imagine there being actually a person who wishes to see this match between Undertaker and Goldberg. Two retired guys threatening to retire do not make you build a convincing match, but we all know the score here. These two always have names payable and both receive big checks to work in the show in Saudi Arabia.

It does not have to be good. It's already bought and paid.

It does not matter.

The rest

Standard six: Shane McMahon's promo for opening this show was the very definition of a pro catchplast promo. "I'll beat you at the next show and I'll beat you and you will not fight me." Roman Reigns' response followed the same pattern except that he also booked a match with Drew McIntyre. It was incredibly flawed, because this whole program still does not make much sense considering its launch. The good news is that the crowd was incredibly hot once The Revival and The Usos arrived at the scene and that chaotic action chaos broke leading to the previously promoted six team match. The chaotic action is something the WWE is still doing relatively well – with the exception of the terrible god production – so it started badly, but managed to get along. A lot of heat for the heels too, which deserves praise.

Lars and not really in charge: I guess the best way to promote a match that is held in a few days is to make sure that the big monster looks like a monster after all, and that the three little guys that 39 he met have a chance to beat him. . I suppose.

Raw Women's Championship: Becky Lynch is still looking for a fight, so Lacey Evans came in and said "when I will put your hand on you" while she was literally two feet away from her. Of course, that turned into an Evans match against Charlotte Flair. It was good, but as expected, Lynch was up after putting down Evans. WWE is not wrong in trying to push Evans so hard, but it just does not feel as good as a foil for Lynch or even as an opponent in Flair's heel. If anything, tonight has made it clear that it's time to move on.

Rey Mysterio abandons the US championship: The way WWE played that really made me crack. They said it was like a trial for Mysterio: having to give up a title he had held for less than a month, during the disaster of a match that hurt both participants. . It was also strange that Mysterio wanted to act as a father and champion and give up the title because of injury, not because he never won the title, as Samoa Joe did. pointed out, because his shoulders were not on the carpet for the money to fall into the bank. A missed opportunity, I'm told. Still, Joe has been great here and Mysterio will probably be back as soon as possible. Let's hope they get the match they deserve in the near future.

On top: I'm totally in favor of the nonsense of professional wrestling, so booking Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley for a showdown is my kind of sports entertainment. Strowman won this time, but I would like to see who would win in a tug-of-war match. It did not really make me want to see their match at Super ShowDown more than before, but it does not matter.

Play): I think the only person who would fall in love with Alexa Bliss is the one who is so overlooked that no one even knew that they were fighting in a particular show. In this sense, this alliance between Bliss and Nikki Cross makes sense. In addition, there is a lot of potential for a solid gain with these two characters and their motivations. I have no confidence in the WWE to achieve this, but the potential is at least the rendezvous.

Firefly Fun House: Things deeply disturbing.

Face to face: Triple H and Randy Orton came together for a promotion that was legitimately interesting, if only because it gave them the impression of having fun without a script, without a script trying to overlap . Orton was trying Triple H's bullets in Stephanie's handbag, but Trips responded by saying that they are so big that he needs help transporting them. Something that Orton would not know because he does not have any, he was perfect. "Well done," could we see Orton respond as he smiled at his next opponent. It was really good.

Ricochet def. Cesaro: Two talented wrestlers work a fun match? More please!

24/7: Cesaro looking for a table to slip under the ring and find the hidden truth made me laugh. Carmella did the same with Drake Maverick and helped Truth escape from the large group that was still chasing him. I continue to love everything they do with this belt.

There are just too many talents too versatile to make everything feel so ordinary.

Grade: C-

Your turn.


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