Xbox players can now have the same gamertag, if they do not care about the numbers at the end


Frustrated that someone else has received the Xbox Gamertag you wanted before? Thanks to the changes made by Microsoft this week, players can now choose a gamertag already used, provided they have a hashtag and random numbers next to their display name.

There can only be one division chief, Major Nelson or F4hey, but now there may be a divisional leader # 2538, MajorNelson # 1099 or F4hey # 4269. Detailed in a publication on Xbox Wire, the new Gamertag feature automatically assigns a numeric value to the end of a tag if a player chooses a handle already in use. Numbers, preceded by a hashtag, will appear on user lists and in games in a smaller font, keeping the focus on the tag itself.

Note that the original Gamertags will appear without numbers next to it, identifying the player as the initial owner of the tag. If an Xbox Live member changes gamertag, he or she may always abandon it.

There are also other options for creating a unique gamertag, supporting the characters of ten new alphabets.

  • Basic Latin
  • Latin-1 supplement
  • Hangul
  • Katakana
  • Hiragana
  • CJK Symbols for languages ​​in China, Japan and Korea
  • Bengali
  • Devanagari
  • Cyrillic
  • Thai

I will probably stay with F4hey without suffix. It's silly, but it's me.


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