Xcel's new plan: no coal by 2030, nuclear until 2040


Updated 12h22 | Posted at 10:30

Xcel Energy announced Monday its intention to close its two coal plants in the Upper Midwest ten years earlier than planned, which should allow the electricity company to no longer have coal in the region. here 2030.

The last two coal plants in Minnesota have been decommissioned.
The last two coal plants in Minnesota have been decommissioned.

The company also announced plans to retain its nuclear power plant in Monticello, Minnesota, until at least 2040 years ago, 10 years after the expiry of its current license, to expand production. wind and solar energy.

Xcel said it would submit its plan to the Minnesota Public Services Commission in July. If approved, the company plans to reduce carbon emissions by more than 80% by 2030 compared to 2005.

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Xcel's general manager, Ben Fowke, said the changes would not lead to a much higher utility bill for utilities.

"We think we can do it at a price lower or equal to the cost of inflation," Fowke told reporters during a phone call Monday morning. "It will not be free, but cheap and above all, it compares very well with other plans."

According to Xcel's proposal, Sherco 3, the region's last coal-fired power plant, would close in 2030, after the closure of the Allen S. King coal-fired power plant at Oak Park Heights in 2028.

The plan includes Xcel's previously announced plans to purchase the Mankato Energy Center's natural gas plant as well as the construction projects for a natural gas facility at Becker, where the plants are located. Sherco.

Xcel has thousands of acres of land around Sherco. Becker and Xcel are working to bring in new businesses to fill this space and replace some of the jobs that will be lost when coal generators are shut down. The city is working to land a Google data center.

Environment and renewable energy advocates applaud Xcel announcement on Monday to speed up closure of coal plants, although it is unclear whether they also supported the electricity company's plan to expand its nuclear operation.

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The clean energy groups have only approved the coal removal dates, not the nuclear plan or the overall resource plan, which has not been released, said Allen Gleckner, senior director of markets for energy. Energy and Regulatory Affairs of the Fresh Energy Group.

Minnesota has two nuclear power plants in operation – Prairie Island, near Red Wing, Minnesota, and Monticello. Both are owned by Xcel and the licenses are due to expire in the 2030s.

Xcel's decision to try to extend its license to the Monticello nuclear plant while raising the withdrawal dates of two coal-fired power plants was part of a comprehensive agreement with environmental groups on the subject. Purchase of the Mankato natural gas power plant.

The decision of the electricity company to speed up the shutdown of its coal plants is "a very big deal," Gleckner said. "These are the largest sources of Xcel greenhouse and carbon-emitting gases – Xcel's largest electricity service provider in Minnesota."


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