Yellowstone Volcano: "Late" Claim Raises Admission to USGS for Next Super Eruption Date | Science | New


the Caldera of Yellowstone is dubbed a supervolcan by chance because of its ability to inflict devastating damage globally. Located under the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, the supervolcan is continuously monitored by the USGS (United States Geological Survey) looking for signs indicating that a super-eruption is In progress. An event of this type has occurred three times in history: 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years ago and 640,000 years ago , leaving some claim that the massive eruption is long overdue.

Self-proclaimed experts reach this conclusion by calculating the time difference between each event.

However, Dr. Lowenstern rejected such claims.

He told viewers of the USGS YouTube channel in 2014: "When you see people claiming that it is late, the number of people they report is usually 640,000 years, but every 600,000 years.

"It's 40,000 years late.

"But in fact, if you average the eruption intervals, there are 2.1 million to 1.3 million then 640,000 years.

"If you average those numbers, you get something over 700,000 years old."

"So, in fact, even if you were trying to make that argument, it would not be late for another 70,000 years."

Dr. Lowenstern went on to assert that even this calculation was of dubious utility.

He also added: "The other important thing to consider is that when they compile statistics based on two eruptive intervals, they just play games.

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Their website reads as follows: "First, recurrence intervals based on only two values ​​can not be presented, this would have no statistical significance.

"But for those who insist, let's do arithmetic. The three eruptions took place there are 2.1 million, 1.3 million and 0.64 million years ago.

The two intervals are therefore 0.8 and 0.66 million years, with an average for an interval of 0.73 million years.

"Again, the last eruption went back 0.64 million years, implying that we are still about 90,000 years from the time we could consider calling Yellowstone for another eruption forming a caldera.

"Nevertheless, we can not rule out the possibility of another eruption of this type occurring in the future, given the volcanic history of Yellowstone and the continued presence of magma beneath the Yellowstone Caldera."

More recently, researchers theorized what would happen if an asteroid struck Yellowstone National Park.

The YouTube channel "The Biggest Questions in Life" told viewers: "It would take an asteroid like the one the Earth has not seen for millions of years to cause damage to Yellowstone."

"If it touched Yellowstone, it would probably affect the volcano, probably causing a lava eruption and it would be a nightmare."


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