You help so much


Sen. Chris Coons, a Delaware Democrat, must be overjoyed that the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, Beto O'Rourke, calls for the forced and compulsory confiscation of all AR-15 and AR-15 rifles. .

Just think of the years of care and effort of gun control activists like Coons to try to convince voters that no one will pick up their weapon. All this neat formulation and rhetorical finesse, just poof! In smoke, because a former Texas congressman has aspirations for the presidency.

It is not easy to see all your hard work being destroyed by the advertising shot of someone else.

"I own a gun," said Coons Friday in an interview with CNN. "My sons and I went hunting and pigeon shooting and, frankly, I do not think it's wise to have our presidential candidates, like the member did." of the Congress O 'Rourke be political or political movement ".

On Thursday, at a Democratic primary debate in Houston, O'Rourke said unambiguously that his administration would force gun owners to deliver certain types of firearms.

"If the high-impact bullet and high velocity when it hits your body shreds everything inside your body because it was designed to do so," said O & # 39; ; Rourke. "Well, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47, and we will not allow this device to be used on American compatriots."

Moments after saying this, the former congressman unveiled a new campaign t-shirt with the slogan: "Yes, we will take your AR-15."

The following day, during an interview on MSNBC, O'Rourke pointed out that participation in his confiscation program would not be voluntary. It would be obligatory.

"[T]It's this clip that will be aired for years at Second Amendment rallies with organizations trying to scare people into telling them that Democrats are coming for your weapons, "said Coons on Friday.

Poppy Harlow, of CNN, asked the senator if O 'Rourke's new platform was going to hurt the Democratic Party.

"We will have to see," said Coons. "I respect his passion.Everyone who had to sit with parents of victims of gun violence, parents who lost their children, as I did after the shooting of Sandy Hook, after Tucson, … with a parent who has lost a child and does not know how we are going to make the country safer is a very difficult experience. "

The senator added: "I therefore respect what motivates the Congressman, Mr. O. Rourke, but I do not think that a political position can be retained."

Translation: Do not help, Beto!


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