Your guide to who to call to try to get a vaccine against the virus in El Paso



EL PASO, Texas – Doses of the Covid-19 vaccine started arriving in El Paso three weeks ago, marking a milestone in the fight against the virus. But it will be months before vaccine doses are widely available, and the rollout leaves the eligible El Pasoans with more questions than answers.

For now, the limited supply is reserved for frontline healthcare workers and certain high-risk populations: people over 65 or people of most ages with critical health conditions.

How can you get the Covid-19 vaccine?

One option is to register online with the El Paso Health Department by clicking here for the direct link.

In addition, vaccine shipments were made to a range of health care providers – including health clinics and hospitals.

The state of Texas has a list of vaccine supplier locations that you can view by clicking here.

For ease of use, here are the locations listed by the state in El Paso on Monday, along with the phone numbers. (An important caveat provided by the state: Not all providers listed below necessarily immunize the public or people from all priority groups.)

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