Your leg pain may indicate a serious health problem


Did you have pain in your legs while walking? Do not ignore it as this could indicate a condition that could expose you to serious heart and brain problems.

Leg pain while walking may be a sign of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). People with this condition are known for their higher risks of cardiovascular problems, such as heart attacks and strokes.

MAP affects men and women. According to Harvard Medical School, it usually occurs due to aging, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and prolonged exposure to cigarette smoke.

People with MAP suffer from pain due to fatty deposits in the arteries of the leg. These deposits block the blood flow to the muscles as well as the arteries supporting the heart and brain.

The symptoms of MAP include cramps and pain in the calves, thighs, hips and buttocks. But the MAP only concerns the muscles and not the joints.

It also looks different from the muscle pain caused by exercise. MAP-related leg pain occurs only during movement and stops after a short rest, unlike pain caused by exercise that can last for hours or days.

"It can happen when you climb a staircase or a hill and you often stop to take a break," said Aruna Pradhan, a cardiologist and assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

But in some cases, PAD can cause leg pain, even when sitting or lying down. Some people may also experience a change of color on the feet, slow healing wounds, a cold sensation on one foot or both and slow growth of leg hair or nails.

PAD treatments

Doctors generally recommend lifestyle modifications to treat MAPs. Exercising regularly, following a healthy diet and avoiding smoking should help reduce the symptoms of the disease.

"Once the diagnosis of MAP is diagnosed and you know why you have symptoms, doctors encourage people to do more physical activity to help them stay functional," Pradhan said.

There are also medications available for the disease. Doctors can prescribe statins, which could help prevent the formation of fat deposits, drugs for the management of blood pressure and aspirin to prevent clots. Surgery may be an option when blockage of blood flow worsens.

Gallery: 50 amazing things your body does to protect itself (provided by Best Life)


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