Your new neighbors are delighted to have good neighbors | News, Sports, Jobs


Gemma and Diane Anderson, left and right respectively, are shown above in their new Blue Earth home. They moved to the area from Florida last May. After spending several years in Florida, they are both excited to leave the hustle and anonymity of city life and embrace neighborhood life in a small town. Diane Anderson is also happy to be close to her many members of the Blue Earth family once again.

Your new neighbors are finally feeling at home after a hot and humid Florida break.

We sat down for a conversation about great food and small town living with Diane Anderson and her wife, Gemma, on Tuesday September 28th.

What are your names?

“Gemma and Diane Anderson”, Diane confirms.

Will you share your ages?

“Should we?” Gemma laughs.

“There is a small age gap, obviously” Diane concedes.

She explains that she and Gemma, who are 24 years old between them, should have met when she was 24 years younger.

Where do you come from?

“I am originally from England and I lived a few years in Holland”, Gemma shares. “The time I have lived here has been in Florida.”

“The city she comes from is called Marsk by the Sea,” adds Diane. ” I can not wait to see it. I have wanted to go there for two years.

Diane, on the other hand, has more local origins.

“I am from Blue Earth”,she shares. “I have spent the last 23 years in Florida, however.

Considering the great distance between their places of birth, the couple, of course, only met when their paths crossed in Florida.

“I lived in Saint Augustine,”Diane specifies. “I lived there for almost 20 years. When we started to get serious, I moved to Jacksonville.

Jacksonville was Gemma’s longtime Florida home.

The couple spent a very short time in Palm Beach before leaving the state.

“We lived in Palm Beach for five weeks, then COVID hit,”Gemma explains.

The couple had previously planned to visit Diane’s family in Blue Earth at the start of the pandemic. Therefore, Gemma says, “We both got our computers back when they kicked us home from work because of COVID, and we said, ‘I guess we live in Blue Earth now. “”

How would you describe this place in three words?

“I would describe Florida as hot, hottest and hottest,”Diane begins. She then changes her response to, “Hot, crowded and anonymous. “

“People don’t know their neighbor”she specifies.

Gemma adds, “We tried baking Christmas cookies in Florida, and no one answered their door.”

Gemma, meanwhile, has more than three words to describe Jacksonville. “Jacksonville is always trying to decide what he wants to be when he grows up,”she decides.

Why did you leave?

Although Gemma and Diane both had doubts about Florida to begin with, it was Diane’s mother’s failing health ultimately that led them to Blue Earth.

“We came back to help my mother when she fell ill”Diane explains. “We decided to stay with my father afterwards.”

Diane, the daughter of Renny and Donna Anderson, has many family ties to Blue Earth.

“This house belonged to my cousin for over 34 years,”said Diane.

Gemma’s family, who live in England, are also curious about the small town.

“His parents can’t wait to see Blue Earth”,said Diane. “We took them on a virtual tour of the city.”

While the couple are also interested in exploring life together in England, they are happy with their decision to move to Blue Earth for now.

“For now, we are happy where we are”,Gemma concludes. “We just take it one day at a time. “

How did you find Blue Earth?

Really, that wasn’t a necessary question for the couple.

“This is where she comes from”Gemma responds.

“It’s my house,”adds Diane. “It seems really surreal to me to live here again. “

Who did you bring with you?

“It would be me”Gemma said smiling.

Diane corrects, “I didn’t bring you, you didn’t bring me. We brought each other.

“We think we have a cat”she concedes.

How would you describe Blue Earth in three words?

“Small, friendly”Gemma begins. Turning to Diane, she said: “You choose the last one. “

“Safe,”Diane decides. “It’s very safe. Many people leave their doors unlocked.

What do you like to do in Blue Earth?

Gemma and Diane are involved in many outdoor activities such as biking and camping. However, their latest passion keeps them busy in the kitchen.

“We really love to cook”said Diane.

She adds, “I have to plug in the food cooperative. I wanted to make bran muffins like my mom, and I went to get the ingredients there. They turned out to be excellent.

What do you like to do wherever you are?

“The same thing,”Gemma said. “We all did the same things in Florida.”

In fact, the couple share that their interest in cooking was spawned by COVID, even before their move to Blue Earth.

“We have come to the conclusion that we can cook anything better than what we would find in a restaurant”said Diane.

What’s cooking in your kitchen?

“Diane cooks the best steak in the world”Gemma said immediately.

“Your mushroom stroganoff”Diane returns.

“I’m trying to cook more vegetarian stuff. Diane is the meat cook.Gemma concludes.

She adds, “We sometimes throw things in a slow cooker.”

“We call them our scientific experiments”Diane laughs.

What projects have you worked on outside of your kitchen?

“We really enjoyed fixing the house,”said Diane. “The gutters were in poor condition. We also had the house painted and found that it was bumping into the brick, so we had to have it painted as well. “

“We keep the interior of the house until winter”Gemma explains.

What is your favorite thing about life in a small town?

“Know your neighbor”Diane answers. “I have a feeling you could ask for help, and she will be there. “

“It’s nice to be able to walk down the street and say ‘hello’ to someone you know”Gemma agrees.

What would surprise people about you?

“I guess it’s not much of a secret, but I like the whole ‘living simple’,”Gemma shares.

“Gemma would be very happy to make life in a van”Diane clarifies, referring to all the freedom and lack of amenities associated with this particular way of life.

As for her, says Diane, “I probably don’t miss Florida. I lived there for so long, but frankly I don’t know if I would live there again.

How do you hope to surprise yourself in the future?

“I would love to have a little coffee for breakfast”said Diane. “Open only Saturdays and Sundays. “

“I would go with that too”Gemma agrees. “I think it’s a big surprise for us.

Do you see a future for yourself in Blue Earth?

Diane answers, “I think so, but I would like to have a little cabin in a warm place during the winter.”

“We do not intend to leave, but we do not know how long we will stay”Gemma adds.

Diane concludes, “We’ll see what the universe has in store for us.”

Are you a Jolly Green Giant or a Sprout?

“Probably a shoot”Gemma begins.

“You are not a Sprout!”Diane does not agree.

“We are both Lions”Diane continues. “We are both very determined and very independent. I would definitely describe you as a giant. You are a leader.

“A giant is not going to live in a van”Gemma counters. “How would you see yourself?” “

“A giant,”Diane answers.“I see you as one too. “

What is your favorite green vegetable?

“Peas,”said Diane.

“Broccoli,”Gemma responds.

What’s your favorite thing to eat that isn’t a vegetable?

“Pasta,”Gemma responds immediately.

Diane, meanwhile, accompanies the steak.

What is your favorite drink?

The couple recommend a unique concoction that they like to drink in the evening.

“It’s seltzer water, cranberry-mango juice and a squeeze of lime”Diane explains.

“Gemma is also a heavy tea drinker. She orders it on Amazon ”,adds Diane.

Although we didn’t drink it during the interview, it was hardly needed in the spacious living room of Gemma and Diane’s new home in Blue Earth.


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