Your weekly horoscope for January 10, 2021, weekly horoscope


Overview: Who do you choose to be while this is all going on? Wednesday’s New Moon in Capricorn inspires you to take radical responsibility for the role you play in showing more integrity and accountability. The change is in the air when Uranus moves directly into Taurus on Thursday. Then a spirit of rebellion throughout the weekend arrives on Sunday when Jupiter in Aquarius places Uranus in Taurus.

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Read your Sun / Rising horoscope:


Invest in yourself, Aries! Wednesday’s new moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on your career and your life goal. Uranus moves straight to your Taurus ruled income zone on Thursday, clarifying your budget and finances. Sunday’s Jupiter-Uranus Square connects you with the community and friends who share your values.


Have you thought about things, Taurus? Wednesday’s New Moon in Capricorn gives you new insight into a current situation, helping you find a solution. Uranus moves directly into your sign on Thursday, helping you choose your behavior to support your newfound wisdom. A square between Jupiter and Uranus on Sunday offers a breakthrough on career and life purpose!


Open your heart, Gemmy! A new moon on Wednesday in your Capricorn ruled intimacy / sexuality sector wants you to reveal yourself for passionate results. Uranus moves straight into Taurus on Thursday, freeing you from past habits. A Sunday square between Jupiter and Uranus gives you healing and closing with useful optimism.


Love is in the air, Cancer! A new moon in your Capricorn-ruled romance zone this Wednesday wants your intentions on love, relationships, and trust. Uranus moves directly into Taurus on Thursday, reuniting you with your friends and community. The place of Sunday between Jupiter and Uranus blurs the lines between friend and lover in an interesting way!


Get your life, Leo! A new moon in your Capricorn Ruled Wellness and Organization zone on Wednesday helps you notice how little things create big results. On Thursday, Uranus moves straight into your Taurus-ruled career zone, giving you back your ambition and efficiency. A Jupiter-Uranus Sunday square allows you to understand the skills and techniques you need for relationships.


You got this, Virgo! Wednesday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on confidence, courage, and dignity so that you can live a full life. On Thursday, Uranus moves directly into your Taurus ruled zone of wisdom and expansion, helping you find new intelligence. A square between Jupiter and Uranus on Sunday wants you to balance the large and small image.


Welcome home, Libra! A new moon in your Capricorn ruled home / family area on Wednesday connects you to the people and places that protect you. Uranus moves directly into Taurus on Thursday, helping you see sexuality, intimacy, and truth differently. A square between Jupiter and Uranus on Sunday maximizes the pleasure given and received.


Use your words, Scorpio! A new moon in Capricorn Wednesday helps you speak, listen intently, and use language powerfully. On Wednesday, Uranus moves directly into Taurus into your relationship area, helping you find understanding with your opposite. A square between Jupiter and Uranus on Sunday connects you to partners who appreciate your tenderness.


What does “security” mean to you, Sag? A new moon in your Capricorn ruled security sector wants your inventions on values, income, and security. Uranus moves straight into your Taurus ruled wellness zone on Thursday, helping you see your health differently. A square between Jupiter and Uranus on Sunday wants you to have a scheduled routine!


Happy birthday, Capricorn! Tell the Universe your birthday wishes on Wednesday so that it can manifest your wishes quickly. So be it! Uranus moves straight into your Taurus ruled confidence zone on Thursday, helping you claim greater dignity and self-esteem. A square between Jupiter and Uranus on Sunday wants you to commit to taking care of yourself.


Give yourself the end, Aquarius. A full new moon in Capricorn Wednesday wants your intentions on finality, release, and closure. Uranus is moving directly into your Taurus ruled emotional zone on Thursday, so tell people what they want to hear – how you feel! A place this weekend between Uranus and Jupiter makes you open your heart wide.


Power to the people, Pisces! A new moon in Capricorn on Wednesday is a reason for you to consider yourself an activist. Uranus moves directly into your Taurus-led communications sector on Thursday, helping you think, speak, and listen. A square between Jupiter and Uranus on Sunday gives you a healing conversation.

Happy New Year! Have some astro merch:

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