Zelda: The breath of nature hides this Easter egg Waker


Fans of The Legend of Zelda: Wild Breath have already had a big surprise this year when a sequel for Nintendo Switch was announced at the critically acclaimed game. But in the meantime, discoveries continue to rise in the first Breath of Nature; the players have recently seemed to discover a infinite jump glitchand now a delicious little Easter egg seems to have been discovered. This Easter egg takes us back a few years, in a Link adventure called The windmaker.

The YouTube channel GameXplain was filming a separate video Breath of the Wild while working on the outskirts of Lurelin Village, a small seaside village just south of the map of the game. Deja vu is a must when you look at the village of Lurelin as it looks like Outset Island, the starting point of The Wind Waker. So many things are alike: trees and their location, houses and their location, scale and height, and even the formation of a mountainous background. The coincidence is strange, especially when the camera is panning to reveal how much Lurelin looks like Outset.

Prepare to be shaken by the video below.

This is not the only Easter egg in Breath of the Wild. In the video compilation above, we present some of the best Easter eggs we've found, such as references to Zelda's original legend, speeding up music to discover hidden tracks, research from Lon Lon Ranch, and much more. There is even an Easter egg that could pay homage to Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo.

As Nintendo returns to Hyrule from Breath of the Wild, there may be more Easter eggs.


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