DeMbare closes the door on Epoupa – Nehanda Radio


By Petros Kausiyo

The love of Cameroonian striker Christian Joel Ntouba Epoupa with Dynamos ended, the new Glamor Boys leadership closing the door to a possible revival of their partnership.

  Christian Epoupa
Christian Epoupa

The leaders of Dynamos tried to bring back the Cameroon striker, the club's top scorer last year, before prematurely ending his relationship with the giants from Harare at the beginning of the year.

Epoupa was unhappy with the failure of DeMbare He paid his dues and terminated his contract with the club and returned to Cameroon.

However, new club leaders have been trying to get the player back for them this season.

But the new president of the club, Solomon Sanyamandwe revealed yesterday that the door had been closed.

"I do not think Christian is coming back, we will pay him what he owes to the club and we would prefer to look elsewhere for the attackers in anticipation of the 2019 season."

"Of course, there is had a general shortage of quality strikers across the country.if you look at our Premiership and that's why we consider looking elsewhere for players. "

Epoupa seemed to have continually moved Goal posts on his demands for a return to Dynamos.

While the Epoupa chapter is now closed, coach Lloyd Mutasa was last night to receive the united support of the club's leaders. is increasingly in the spotlight for the wrong reasons following the indifferent Dynamos race that left the Harare giants devoid of glamor or bluster.

They have already lost eight times this season, excluding them from the title championship , with 2 4 points behind the leader of FC Platinum who has amassed 46 points in 20 games.

In order to stabilize the club and launch efforts to turn the giants over, the Dynamos board of directors has appointed a new management team. But with still elusive field results following a series of three games without a win – including the 1-0 defeat against Ngezi Platinum last Sunday – the Heat has again turned to Mutasa, with whom even the Fans club are losing patience.

The Dynamos management also intervened to try to curb the slide, even turning to wayward midfielder Denver Mukamba, to whom they ordered to return to training. n Tuesday, with the hope that it can help trigger their awakening.

Mukamba is obliged and trained with the team, but there was no doubt that the tension triggered by the sensational fallout between the player and the coach remains visible in the Dynamos camp. The Dynamos president, Sanyamandwe, while not revealing much before the meeting last night, confirmed that they were meeting the coach.

"Yes, there is a meeting with the coach who will also be followed by the board of directors.We have resolved that we will not pressure him and, if anything, we are working to to bring players to strengthen the team.

"We want to have a good end to the season, but as I said, we" The Dynamos president also said that they had noted the need to allow Mutasa freedom to choose his own assistants. "

Juniors Coach Lloyd Chigowe is the assistant, but the former National Under-17 Gaffer was raised to the senior team at the time Mutasa had been downgraded to manage the development portfolio.

"Mutasa should have the opportunity to choose his own assistants" The coach should not have the impression of being set up to fail, he must get all the support that he needs. he can get and eventually people can evaluate and see how he could have played.

"We all know that he has not had all" In fact, we have already started working on strengthening the team for the 2019 season.

"But before that, we want to make sure that we help the players.the coach is doing well in the remaining games of this season, starting with our match against the Highlanders, and I think our supporters will see the change, "said Sanyamandwe

If the indications of President Dynamos are something to do, Chigowe could then, after the weekend Premiership break, return to his development homework where he was working with former captain Murape Murape for identify and nurture talent. The Herald

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