Killing of queens from Africa: Play amuses at prima donnas


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In a scene somewhere in Nairobi, an elegantly dressed salmon (played by Rashida Namulondo) quickly enters the stage with a small saucepan with milk and an empty bottle from Baileys liquor.

The salmon combs quickly and wears his heels, then pours milk into the bottle of Baileys. It's a trick she's using, so people can think that she's a high-class girl who can afford an entire bottle of Baileys.

"Looks like Baileys has no taste, please God, I pray that I do not have to drink all night, that a guy will spot me, ask me what I drink, I will show him the bottle of Baileys and he will buy the real thing to impress me.Please, God bless my crush, "says Salmon.

Salmon surrenders Then, at the Blankets-and-Wine concert, where she meets her friends Betty (Debie Kagisha) and Michelle (Linda Nabasa), they kiss, take selfies, and once settled, Salmon puts the blanket down and pours out a drink in the bottle of Baileys.A hand holds the glass and the other a lipstick.At each sip that she takes glass, she adds lipstick to her lips.

Michelle Sitting next to Salmon, shaking her hands, enjoying the song, sipping the milk, she takes a huge sip of Baileys's bottle and spits it out. 659005] Michelle wonders aloud: "Really, like really? Milk in a bottle of Baileys? Really? How low should we have? She holds Baileys' bottle in the air. "Jesus, you turned water into wine, please help us."

As Salmon begins to move away at the end of the concert, Michelle asks to Salmon: "Where are you going?"

"Home", answers Salmon.

wig, "asks Michelle

" My dress, too, "Betty asks too.

Salmon, asks:" Now? In public? "

Michelle replies," Yes, now. "She pulls the blanket." Betty, hold on that side. "They surround the blanket that they were sitting around Salmon.

In shock Salmon, said," Oh my god, you guys, I can not believe you're doing this. "[19659005] In an unfriendly tone Michelle replies," We do not try to embarrass you but my wig cost me a lot of money. "[19659005] Salmon removes the wig, throws it on the outside of the blanket .. The dress follows .. She pulls the blanket of the two women and the envelope around her body.

"I'm sorry, girl that we had to do that, "says Betty.

Salmon, shout:" Go! "

As the two women start to move away, Michelle returns to Salmon and asks," Can you I have my eyelashes? "

Salmon, replies:" Really! "

" These are eyelashes of beauty Huda, yes, really, "Michelle says.

Salmon removes, hands her to him. Away. [19659005] Salmon, Michelle and Betty are fictional characters in a new slanted poetic game Slay Queens of Africa which was performed recently at The Square in Kampala. Presented by Afroman Spice, the satirical musical comedy, directed by Rehema Nanfuka, is interested in the lives of the queens of darkness in Lagos, Harare, Nairobi, and Kampala

& # 39; Slay Queens & # 39; is a slang term that has grown in popularity, referring to young women who live luxurious lifestyles beyond their means. They spend their time on social media to show things that they do not own – usually borrowed or hired. They do not date broken men

Afroman Spice is an all-female Ugandan theatrical company.

Nabasa, Namulondo and Kagisha play all the characters of the play in the different cities. The production has adopted both the satirical and Broadway musical forms of presentations.

Slay Queens of Africa was written by Nabasa, who says that some parts of the musical are fictional while others are based on social media and Nabasa tells Saturday Nation : "Since last year, we talk a lot about queens in distress. Initially, it was a good thing for people to call a lady a queen, but that began to change when many women felt that they also needed this title, by living a life that they can not maintain. "

" We wanted to write about what we knew and what the Ugandan community would have felt connected to. So we thought we could maximize this opportunity to do theater outside of real-life situations and social media so that people really understand and know who a queen is, "she adds. Queens of Africa Nabasa says, "From the beginning, we decided that Slay Queens of Africa will be a traveling show in Africa and beyond, so we have chosen a title that supports and allows it."

" We chose to focus only on Harare, Lagos, Nairobi and Kampala because we went to these countries and we did a lot of research online to write this production. "