Mahama discusses security before Zimbabwe elections


  Former President John Dramani Mahama in a group photo with Zimbabwean security chiefs

John Dramani Mahama in a group photo with Zimbabwean security chiefs

L & # 39; Former President John Dramani Mahama met with Zimbabwe's Commissioner General. The police of the Republic, TG Matanga and his team will discuss their preparations for the country's elections scheduled for Monday, July 30.

million. Mahama leads a group of Commonwealth observers to oversee Zimbabwe's harmonized elections.

The mission also includes a former head of the Ghana Electoral Commission, Dr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan.

Read also: John Mahama leads Commonwealth observers for elections in Zimbabwe

In a Facebook post, the former president shared photos of his meeting with security chiefs.

He wrote: "We met this morning, in Harare, with the Commissioner General of the Republic of #Zimbabwe Poli Ce, TG Matanga, and his team to discuss their preparations for Monday's harmonized elections."

Mr. Mahama in a handshake with TG Matanga, Commissioner General of Police of the Republic of Zimbabwe

M. Mahama, who was in Zimbabwe as part of the activities of the Commonwealth Observer Group in Ghana to pay a final tribute to the late Paa Kwesi Amissah-Arthur, a former vice president of Ghana who was buried last Friday.

million. Amissah Arthur was vice president of Mr. Mahama.

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