MDC Alliance: Pitfalls of Race Without "Mother's Milk of Politics"


"DADDY, I think Chamisa will be defeated by ZEC He can not win this election," said my seven-year-old daughter last week, "What do you mean?" asked. "Is not it that Chamisa and ZEC are going to face them in the elections?" she replied with conviction. "No, it's not an election between ZEC and Chamisa, "I corrected her." Ohhh really? So, why is Chamisa still fighting against ZEC? She asked innocently. I continued to explain the correct position, but this short conversation was enough to tell me that something is wrong somewhere.

Little Chamisa's obsession with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has reached alarming levels. It is as if the July 30 election opposes the electorate. No wonder my inquisitive daughter mixed up. Sekuru vangu Matope (May his soul rest in peace) would say "Ko nhaiwe wopedzera put kumakunguwo, hanga dzichauya."

Little Chamisa is suspicious of his energy. Wopedzera tumari tushomatwo kuZEC while ZANU-PF goes to work? One is tempted to think that little Chamisa falls into a trap of ZANU-PF where he keeps you busy neturo tusina maturo while they collect votes. Inonzi ZANU-PF iyoyo

Be that as it may, so little Chamisa had his demo against ZEC last Wednesday in Harare. A number of drunken supporters of the MDC supported their leader. They made a lot of noise in the streets of Harare and as usual all this was captured by social media. In no time, some were talking about the supposed crowd that had appeared at the demo.

"ZANU-PF should be concerned about this," some suggest. "Chamisa ane vanhu hey, hey," others observed. Bishop Lazarus heard everything and laughed.

Why should ZANU-PF be concerned nemurimi anodada nechibage chiri mudura chaakakohwa gore rapera? Toda murimi, anoratidza, humizha, hwake, nechibage, chiri, mumunda, kwete, chibage, chegore, rakapera., It is very possible kuti pane varasana naBishop ipapa panyaya yemurimi

What & # 39; In any case, there was nothing for ZANU-PF to worry about this crowd because ZANU-PF knows that the opposition has such supporters in Harare. These followers are like Chibage chegore rakapera chiri mudura. There is nothing to fear at all. ZANU-PF would be worried if the opposition showed that it had won new and new supporters, but that was not the case. It was the usual crowd of drunkards who took these demos as a way to kill time.

Gullible private media as usual have been overexcited. "Chamisa Stacks Pressure on ED … As the MDC Alliance demo attracts the crowd," shouted one of the newspapers. "I will announce the results of the poll: Chamisa," shouted the other newspaper. Naivety is nauseating, to be honest. No deep thought and no critical eye. It is "zvatapihwa naChamisa tinogamuchira without any thought process".

Little Chamisa can never put pressure on President Mnangagwa by using this crowd. He just can not. Instead, very soon the little Chamisa will realize the madness of his actions. This crowd will soon come back to haunt him while election observers give information saying that "the electoral field was the same while the opposition had enough space to demonstrate". So, instead of racking up on ED, this crowd should excite ED because this crowd will do wonders to give it legitimacy.

In the event that Chamisa has forgotten, a quick reminder may be helpful to little Chamisa and those who think that the Harare crowd should worry the president. Someone still remembers the Permanent Secretary of Information Services, Media and Broadcasting, Mr. George Charamba, who stated the following: "This election is aimed at restoring re-engagement and legitimacy at the international level, that's where we are, it must be flawless, transparent, free, fair, consistent with international standards, without violence and therefore universally recognized, as it is a policy instrument It is re-engagement and legitimacy, we are making politics at a higher level. "

What Mr. Charamba said was that demonstrations like the one organized by the opposition last Wednesday are welcome for reasons of legitimacy, so, you, the credulous scribes, this demonstration was not to build up pressure on ED, but to legitimize ED. opposition like the fart it Chamisa, there is really no need to do much. They do a lot for you.

In seeking spiritual enlightenment, we read Psalm 119-18, which David says, "Open my eyes so that I may see marvelous things in your law." Little Chamisa needs to whisper such a prayer mind. But it seems we are a little late to save this little boy.

In addition to organizing a demo to legitimize the July 30 elections, the little boy leads the madness to violent levels. Reports say that after not having had any joy from the demo, the little Chamisa with the help of some thugs stormed the ZEC's offices threatening to unleash the violence

"ZANU-PF and President Mnangagwa must whisper" yes, yes! Go Chamisa, go! In addition to exposing little Chamisa as a violent and helpless leader, this silly act in the ZEC's offices is doing miracles with election observers. "While President Mnangagwa preached peace, the MDC Alliance leader Chamisa was leading the violence," said election observers. What can President Mnangagwa ask for more?

We have long known that little Chamisa will act silly and desperate as the electoral clock continues, but never thought it would be so early in this month of July. And many wonder why the little Chamisa loses him so quickly. Well, the usual culprits told us the story, but then we chose to ignore them. Professor Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti gave us an explanation a few days ago.

Biti was the first to openly expose the MDC Alliance by admitting that the party had nothing in its coffers. He said something to the effect that "tiri kurarama nenyasha dzaMwari blah, blah, blah." Professor Ncube decided to hammer the point categorically.

"We live on a hand-to-hand budget, and it's a daily." To date, no one has contributed to this, but we have made posters and billboards. and we will continue to use donations.There is a Finance Committee headed by Tendai Biti, who works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to mobilize resources, "said Professor Ncube

Dear Faithful, should understand the little Chamisa when he acts stupid and everything.Kushaya husband kunoshatirisa especially to someone who has already had a good taste of money easy and cheap.All this anger against ZEC and kungovukura it is the little boy who evacuates his anger and his despair

There is no politics without money Was it the American politician Jesse "Big Daddy" Unruh who said: "Money is the breast milk of politics?" The MDC Alliance has no "dull milk ernel of politics "and the wrath of Chamisa should be understandable.

The 2016 book, "The Cost of Democracy," Kevin Casas-Zamora and Daniel Zoratto clearly explain how expensive democracy is and how little Chamisa makes this discovery at the wrong time. According to the authors, there is an inevitable fact – that is to say that democracy has no price, it has a cost of exploitation. In addition, the authors note that the use of economic resources is an essential element of democratic competition.

Saka moda mwana adii? He realizes that money is the fuel of politics, a pa haana mari yacho. Odii mwana? Unongoitawo tuhasha so that your drunken partisans think zviri kufamba.

Can you imagine those people who knew the elections were coming but still have not managed to organize and raise money for their campaign? to lead this country? Ngatimire mafunnies imi vanhu

But then Chamisa's little frustration makes him say the strangest things. He now wants ZANU-PF to join him in his acts of desperation.

"ZANU-PF never complained, not even once, which team did you see who played a game without complaining, not even once to an impartial referee? that they are not players in this game and that the referee has chosen a camp, "moaned the little Chamisa last week.

Kwanzi naChamisa, ZANU-PF ngatichemei tese? Zhamba wega iwe. ZANU-PF is busy campaigning on the ground

Dear devotees, do not be surprised when little Chamisa does the unthinkable in the days to come. They are thinking of getting into night vigils to protest the ZEC. Muchando muno siyayi vanhu varare panze, vangwandurwe nacho chando. That can win them votes. We never know.

In these times when even professors think that a vote may miraculously migrate from Chamisa to President Mnangagwa on the ballot box, anything is possible.

And good people, even the Holy Book tells us that the world is full of desperate people. In Psalm 142 against 6, the Holy Book says, "Hear my cry, for I have a desperate need, save me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me."

Listen to little cry of Chamisa. He desperately needs. I'm not sure we can save him from defeat because ZANU-PF is too strong for him.

Bishop is out!

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