Mugabe – The Zimbabwe Mail


HARARE – Former President Robert Mugabe claimed that he would cede power until the Zimbabwe Defense Forces launched a military coup against his power.

Mugabe claimed that he had planned to officially withdraw to Zanu-PF. Extraordinary Congress to be held in December 2017. Mugabe also disputed the allegations that he wanted to leave his wife Grace as successor, arguing that he had already identified former Defense Minister Sydney Sekeramayi as his heir presumptive.

He added that Sekeramayi and Mnangagwa would have competed for Zanu PF's congressional leadership. Speaking at a press conference at his Blue Roof residence Sunday, Mugabe said,

Why did a section of our people decide to go through this? To ensure a leadership position for one person? There was no better route. The Zanu PF, which I headed, had planned an extraordinary congress for December 2017. I was going to resign and open our system

So those who wanted to compete for party leadership and leadership of the country would do it … at this congress, I was going to support a candidate I had in mind. I always had in mind Dr. (Sydney) Sekeramayi

When Thabo Mbeki, former president of South Africa, asked me who I wanted to take care of after me. I said that Dr. Sekeramayi would do it by my choice. I had talked to Dr. Sekeramayi and he was amazed.

… I was going to debate at this Congress so that people could choose … They would compete at this Congress. This did not happen. All the talk, all the nonsense you hear that the president wanted to leave his wife as president, all this nonsense … it's total nonsense.

So, listen to me … I was fired from the part I formed with others. I was considered an enemy. If the blow were to protect me, how is it that I am now treated as an adversary?

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