Mugabe will hold a press conference on the eve of Zimbabwe elections


Former Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe is due to give a surprise press conference on the eve of the country's first elections since he was ousted from power last year, he said. declared a spokesperson

. Roof (his private residence in Harare), "told AFP the spokesman, who requested anonymity

The media were allowed to walk through the gates of the sprawling sprawling mansion of Harare, where chairs were installed A formal lawn in front of a blue pagoda where Mugabe was to speak shortly

Zimbabwe goes to the polls Monday in its first election since Mugabe was forced to resign last November after years in power, with allegations of

President Emmerson Mnangagwa, former ally of Mugabe within the ruling Zanu-PF party, faces opposition leader Nelson Chamisa of the MDC (Movement for Democratic Change ) in a decisive vote for

Zimbabwe's military generals shocked the world last year when they took control and led Mnangagwa to power after Mugabe, 94, tried to his wife Grace, 53, as his successor. Previous talks with the press since his fall, Mugabe admitted in March that "some mistakes had been made" under his authoritarian regime, and said that he thought his country was now "backwards"

"I would never have thought that (Mnangagwa) would be the man who turned against me," he added.


Mnangagwa, 75, who promises a fresh start for the country, is on the front line with the benefit of military support discreet, from a loyal public media and from a ruling party that controls government resources.

But 40-year-old Chamisa, who performed a lot during the election campaign, hopes to tap into a young population that could vote for change since Zanu-PF has ruled since the country's independence in 1980 [19659002] The elections under Mugabe were tainted by fraud and violence, and this year's campaign was dominated by accusations that the vote would be rigged.

The MDC raised allegations of erroneous voters list, ballot, intimidation in the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) and free food distributed by the ruling party.

But the campaign was relatively unrestricted and peaceful compared to previous elections, and some analysts point to the pressure to vote to be deemed credible to draw a line under the international isolation of the Mugabe era .

The poll in Zimbabwe is uncertain, but a recent poll Afrobarometer of 2,400 people places Mnangagwa at 40% and Chamisa at 37%, with 20% Mnangagwa, accused of involvement in electoral violence and fraud under Mugabe , promised to hold a fair vote and to be invited by international observers – including the team of the European Union previously banned.

Final Gatherings

"What's left now is a single push on Monday to vote – vote for the Zanu-PF, so we have a win thundering, "said Mnangagwa to his supporters who filled half of the 60 National Stadium with 000 seats at his last rally on Saturday

" Today, we unleash the potential of our beloved homeland to build a new Zimbabwe for all, "he said, repeating his promise of economic recovery.

He also accused the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), much criticized, of trying to repress the elections.

But he also promised not to boycott the polls, saying his party would win again.

Missing our chance on Monday, we are condemned because the current government is clueless (but) we are the next government, we are undoubtedly the winners, "he said Saturday to a large crowd of more than 10,000.

should also give a press conference later on Sunday.

With 5.6 million registered voters, the results of presidential, parliamentary and local elections are expected by August 4.

A second round is scheduled for September 8 if no presidential candidate wins at least 50% in the first round.

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