Nadeem Nusrat – The Siasat newspaper


Washington: After the allegations of rigging the recent general elections in Pakistan, Karachi Voice President Nadeem Nusrat urged the international community to pressure Pakistan to hold new elections under the supervision of the United Nations. He also claimed that the Pakistani elections were orchestrated by the Pakistani military authorities and that the results were altered before the announcement.

Nusrat added: "The Pakistani military establishment made the electoral process very doubtful from the start of the election campaign." Imran Khan and his party, Pakistan-Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) were treated as elected officials and were granted special privileges, while his political rivals were subjected to a systematic campaign of obstacles, intimidation and defamation. "

The Voice of Karachi is a group of interest based in the United States who represents the Mohajirs and other people in urban Sindh in order to do them justice in Pakistan where the Mohajirs have been abused since 1947.

The President of Karachi stated that the Pakistani military establishment had massively used Pakistani justice and the so-called anti-corruption body, NAB, against Imran Khan's political rivals and even imprisoned his main political opponents, the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his daughter before the polls.

Nusrat also stated that with the exception of PTI, all other political parties in Pakistan complain of massive and organized rigging and categorically rejected the results. "Media reports also point to electoral fraud and now reports from international observers and foreign media are also endorsing allegations of massive voter fraud in Pakistan," he added.

Relieving his anger over the allegedly rigged result, Nusrat said that the US State Department's report also hinted at reports of widespread irregularities. "Hundreds of thousands of voters are angry in several areas to protest this fraud, but the Pakistani media are not allowed to cover this mass unrest," said the president of the VOK
. in the run-up to elections and used all the tools at their disposal to prevent it from reporting facts.

"The military authorities also targeted the media in Pakistan on the eve of the elections and used all the tools at their disposal to stop it from reporting facts.All these TV channels that have largely covered Imran Khan and PTI have were encouraged, while those who attempted to adhere to honest journalistic standards were penalized. "

" Karachi, the largest Pakistani city and its financial center was forced to split into factions across a brutal campaign of arrests of thousands of members of his party, torture in detention, enforced disappearances, extrajudicial executions and false accusations against the leadership of the party None-Zero, Azizabad, the center of the Karachi's policy since 1987, remains sealed since its illegal closure by the Paramilitary Rangers in August 2016. "Regarding the massive rigging reports the jou After voting, Nadeem Nusrat added: "Voting has been slow in all parts of the country where the ITP was not likely to win and this has been widely reported by the media. Once the vote was stopped and the counting of the vote started, the security personnel forcibly evicted the electoral representatives (voting agents) of all the political parties except for the polling station PTI. Only security personnel and officials of the Electoral Commission of Pakistan were allowed to enter the account and PTI was declared the winner of most constituencies. PTI candidates were declared winners even in constituencies where PTI had no political presence. In Karachi, where most Mohajir voters stayed at home in protest against this massive cheating, these PTI candidates were declared winners with huge margins who had not even managed to win the local elections in December. 2015. "

also stated that the majority of people residing in Karachi who pay a large share of taxes for leading the country were also abused during the elections and forced to boycott the elections.

" Taxes Paid by Karachi help Pakistan to go forward. This large city is treated by Pakistan's Punjabi-dominated military establishment as an occupied territory. Also in this election, the voters of Karachi, a city whose half of the population has been shattered by recent census figures and whose population is heavily underrepresented, have been mistreated and forced to boycott the poll completely. " Nusrat said, "The Pakistani military authorities have imposed Imran Khan, an avowed admirer of the Taliban, in Pakistan by undemocratic means. This is a clear travesty of Pakistan's democracy, law and constitution. "(ANI)

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