PHOTOS of the MDC Alliance gathering in Sakubva – Nehanda Radio


The doors had to be closed at the Sakubva stadium in Mutare on Saturday to limit the number of people entering after more than 20,000 People in the arena attend the rally of the MDC Alliance led by presidential candidate Nelson Chamisa. Nelson Chamisa greets the ecstatic crowd at Sakubva stadium in Mutare "width =" 700 "height =" 467 "srcset =" jpg 700w,×100.jpg 150w, 300w "sizes =" (max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px "/

Nelson Chamisa greets the ecstatic crowd at the Sakubva stadium in Mutare

" What makes me feel good? Today, it is overwhelming that since the formation of the party, we have never addressed a stage as full as the one where we started the program with people who continued to flock.

"It was said that the doors had to be closed.I wish my father and my mentor … Morgan Richard Tsvangirai was here.It's sad that he was not there. not lived to testify to this although it is the one who has put us up till now …

"You have done something unbelievable … I know that we did not bring anyone from Mutare. I went to Chipinge, Chimanimani, Mutasa DC and Hauna. The people I saw there showed me that the Zanu PF is the old ruling party and we are the party in power, "said Chamisa to Nelson Chamisa

<img class = "size-full wp-image-183046" data-src = "" alt = "Nelson Chamisa greet the ecstatic crowd inside Sakubva stadium in Mutare. Sakubva Stadium in Mutare

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