Republicans approve Donald Trump's Tweets About Don Jr. and Michael Cohen, Polls


Late last week, President Donald Trump – as it is his way – tweeted. In a series of posts, he criticized his former lawyer Michael Cohen and denied knowing of a meeting his son had with a Russian partner under the promise of being dirtied by Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. .

Trump published in three tweets :

"We returned last night to Washington after a very moving reopening of a large US Steel factory in Granite City , Illinois, being greeted with the ridiculous news that the highly conflicted Robert Mueller and his gang of 13 Angry Democrats obviously can not find the Collusion ……., the only collusion with Russia was with the Democrats, then now they are watching my Tweets (with 53 million other people) – the faked witch hunt continues! Like stupid and unfair to our country …. And so the fake news does not waste my time with stupid questions, NO, …….. .I did not know the meeting with my son, Don Jr. It looks like someone is trying to tell stories to get out of an unrelated jam ( taxis maybe?) He even retained Bill and Crooked Hillary Gee, I got asks if they helped him make the choice! "

Respondents in a YouGov poll published this week were aske d evaluating these tweets as well, well, OK, bad or terrible." Among Republicans, 35% said big, while 22% said good. that the majority of GOP respondents – 57% – approved Twenty-eight percent of Republicans thought the tweets were OK Only 9% said bad, while 5% said they were terrible

 Trump President Donald Trump speaks on the South Lawn of the White House on July 27 in Washington, DC
A new YouGov poll, a majority of Republicans approve Trump's tweets about the Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer touting dirt on his 2016 opponent.
Alex Wong / Getty Images

Quite predictably, there was a clear partisan division. A vast majority of Democrats did not like the tweets. Sixty-six percent said the positions were terrible, while 20 percent said they were bad, according to YouGov.

The YouGov survey surveyed 1,000 American adults from July 27 to July 28. He had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points. Keep up to date with this story and more by subscribing now

While Trump has already slammed the idea that he was colluding with Russia in the tweets above, his lawyer Rudy Giuliani seemed to take a new turn. Monday.

"I was sitting here looking at the federal code, trying to find" collusion "as a crime," said Giuliani on Fox & Friends Monday morning . "Collusion is not a crime."

Cohen, meanwhile, reportedly told special advocate Robert Mueller that Trump knew in advance the meeting between his son and the Russian lawyer, which took place at Trump Tower in June 2016.

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