The resilience of suppliers has been hailed | ZBC News online


President Emmerson Mnangagwa expressed deep appreciation for the culture of hard work, resilience, perseverance and determination among sellers in Zimbabwe in the face of the economic challenges that have marked the country over the past two decades.

the game of cat and mouse between urban councils and vendors was a common trait when authorities face the dilemma of clean and orderly cities and allow salespeople to earn a living.

In a speech read on his behalf by the Minister of President Mnangagwa stated that it is for this reason that he considered it worthwhile to attend the business conference of historical entrepreneurs, said Oppah Muchinguri Kashiri at a meeting with the vending community of the sports center in Harare city. [19659002] The rally was intended to give the president an opportunity to hear the vendors' concerns first-hand and chart the way forward for them to participate in the economic reform. He said that a great job awaits the government after the elections in all sectors as Zimbabwe must increase economic opportunities and develop the economy and catch up with the rest of the region and beyond.

The government is committed to addressing the challenges facing vendors in areas such as social security, housing and access to finance as well as the fight against corruption.

The president congratulated the community to resort to the government remains seized of the issue of cash flow problems and urges banks to waive imposing punitive charges for the use of money in plastic.

He recommended to use electronic money platforms at no additional cost

Cde Mnangagwa on the need to improve residential and commercial infrastructure and to modernize the existing infrastructure , saying no to the fooled property owners The president praised the interface with suppliers as the beginning of a new relationship.

"Today marks a new relationship between sellers and us, thanks for keeping the economy afloat," he said

After reading the President's speech, Minister Muchinguri responded to some of the burning concerns raised by vendors.

She explained that the President has recently opened two banks, to empower women and youth, and will soon be introducing housing units to address housing shortage.

Representatives of suppliers' associations, providers of electronic money platform services, including Supa Mandiwanzira, Minister of ICT and Cybersecurity, NetOne's Chipo Mutasa, representing POSB et al.

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