Undenge languishes in prison – Bulawayo24 News


Former JAILED energy minister Samuel Undenge will have to endure another weekend behind bars after his request to overturn his conviction and his four-year prison sentence has been postponed until Wednesday .

The postponement followed a request by prosecutor Edmore Makoto, who told Justice Erica Ndewere of the Supreme Court that the National Authority for Prosecutions (NPA) had received the request from the former minister thursday evening

"The state requests that the case be postponed to August 1, 2018 to enable it to prepare"

"The reason is that I received the late application and that I did not have enough time to go through the voluminous court file. "

In response, Undenge's attorney, Alec Muchadehama, said he was ready to continue the investigation. the case, he did not oppose the request of the State.

However, he said that he needed assurance from the state that he would file his response by Tuesday.

In his pending application for appeal, Undenge said that MP Zanu-PF Maziwisa psychology and broadcaster Oscar Pambuka used it in their plot to defraud Zimbabwe. Undenge said the Harare regional magistrate, Hosea Mujaya, was deceived in condemning him for "simply signing a letter that had been dictated to him by Pambuka and Maziwisa" on behalf of their company. , Successful Communications

The former minister stated that Mujaya had also made a mistake in ignoring that the letter, which was the basis of his conviction, was motivated by Pambuka, Maziwisa and Fruitful Communications with the following. intent to defraud the electricity company

was the case of the state that in May 2016, Maziwisa and Pambuka received a letter from Undenge sent to ZPC, ordering the company to do so. Electricity to work with their company at six-month intervals per engagement. nt.

Following the letter of Undenge, the electricity company engaged the pair

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