Was there a coup d'etat? – Radio Nehanda


The supreme and supreme courts of Zimbabwe have rendered a series of strange judgments in this electoral cycle rejecting opposition and civil society trials seeking to make the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) act in its legal and cultural powers. to enhance the credibility and legitimacy of today.

  Image file of the Supreme Court in Zimbabwe
Image file of the Supreme Court in Zimbabwe

From the judgment of the High Court according to which the takeover Robert Mugabe's military in November was legal, the courts dismissed a string of court challenges to electoral manipulation and the seemingly shameful faults of the besieged Zec in a plethora of controversial court decisions.

It is as if the judiciary was providing support for the invisible forces.

is now manifested in a statement issued by a grouping of civil society groups two days before the elections, the integrity of the final voters list based on doubts as to whether Zec performed complete deduplication of all electoral lists, creating the risk of multiple votes and people voting with fake identity cards.

On Tuesday, he made a strange decision in favor of Zec's refusal to publish voter lists with political parties or members of the public and even suggested that the electorate could not be forced to do otherwise.

a gloomy view of everything that indicates a possible manipulation of the electoral register and undermines a genuine democratic process since there are several anomalies that require an explanation.

Right after this decision, the Supreme Court also upheld Zanu PF's appeal to Zimbabwe's rural teachers' union amalgamated to prevent schoolchildren and teachers from attending Zanu PF rallies. and to use school property for political purposes.

all believe that dismissing such a case on a technicality reflects the court's contempt for the substantive concerns under review.

These are the same courts that have upheld the Diaspora's ban on voting, yet the Constitution explicitly grants franchise rights to every Zimbabwean. 19659006] Priscilla Chigumba, President of ZEC, was dragged to the courts in this electoral cycle, and whenever the courts found no foundation in all the arguments, not one!

The Zimbabwean courts of their case law and the defense of their independence from the executive.

But as a result of the coup d'etat, the courts seem to have failed to make courageous and exemplary judgments on matters having an electoral theme

. as if there had been a "coup d'etat" against the judiciary, which allowed this legislative anarchy to prevail in electoral matters.

It would be sad of business if there was a coup on the structure of one of the most important organs of the state.

The judiciary must never provide constitutional support to usurpers and must avoid becoming a party on the power chessboard. Emmerson Mnangagwa rejected opposition complaints about Zec's obscure operations, saying that those who challenge the legality of the commission's legal and administrative decisions must go to court to plead their case

. their ability to intervene for the protection of injured parties and civil society groups in electoral matters.

Mnangagwa's main opponent, Nelson Chamisa, seems to have lost confidence, leading him to say, "I'm not going to court, I'm not dull." We'll go to the people; we will go to the court of public opinion. "

Chamisa actually expressed frustration over the series of unfavorable court decisions with the exhortation that" our courts must be sanctuaries of justice, must to be citadels of justice. "

" It is very important that our courts be independent, they must not be an extension of a political party. "

There is now a potential for post-conflict – election on these felonious electoral grievances after judicial interventions were considered to unduly call for bids for a party to the election

. Zimbabweans see the judiciary as the last democratic stronghold in a rotten republic.

He must not waste that goodwill. DailyNews

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