Zimbabweans wake up from sleep rigging


Election results were not decided in door-to-door campaigns. Zimbabweans have slowly begun to notice something deeply abnormal in every presidential race. The result was still as confusing as it did not make sense.

Surely, there was a moment when Mugabe would have lost an election without the shadow of a doubt it was in 2013 when he had, once again, turned things around. an economy that had improved during the Government of National Unity (GNU).

Mugabe proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he still had no answer to Zimbabwean solutions, when he arrived at the big moment of the 2013 elections, he defeated Morgan Tsvangirai with greater margin. Theories abound about the resurgence of Zanu PF, but the truth to any man with political insight was that Mugabe could never win in a free and fair election.

Naturally, this led to people, investigating what could happen. For the first time, Zimbabweans learned that there was something called vote paper registration.

For the first time, we heard about the dirty work done by a dubious Nikuv company during the elections. The truth of what could have happened over the years began to appear slowly among Zimbabweans.

Surely, Mugabe despised by his own people, certainly played a few rounds during the election time. The problem, however, was based on evidence; there was simply no evidence of the alleged rigging. One could see that the rigging had occurred, but no one had the proof.

Tsvangirai himself, the main leader of the opposition, arrived at the point of death with a number of cases pending in court where he alleged to have rigged but still could not prove it . To date, Zimbabweans have become so awake to fraud.

The election yesterday is strong evidence that Zimbabweans will no longer take any suspicious conduct to land. People took their own pens and pencils. People refused to be intimidated.

This is the good spirit that has enveloped the country. That Zimbabwean spirit prevails while we wait for the final result. Zimbabweans must not win anything else.

 Learnmore Zuze is an officer of the court and writes as a public servant. E-mail [email protected]

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