11 infected with COVID at teenage night events in Jersey Shore


Nearly a dozen children developed COVID-19 after attending recent Jersey Shore teen nightlife events, health officials said.

Eleven teens tested positive for the virus after attending various events at clubs in Beach Haven and Long Beach Island on July 11, 13, 18, 25 and 27, the local health department said in a statement.

All attendees at the teenage parties on Long Beach Island were asked to get tested starting five days after the event, citing a “significant increase in testing and a positive result from the teens who mentioned attending. evenings for teenagers the week before, “the statement said.

The recommendation is independent of vaccination status, the department said.

Meanwhile, the department reminds teens and parents that the risk of transmission is “significant” for events that bring teens together in large numbers and / or social atmospheres.

“Unlike more structured and regulated organizations that welcome young people, teen parties often do not require medical screening, vaccination status, social distancing, masking or negative COVID-19 tests,” officials said.

Anyone with questions are asked to contact the Long Beach Island Health Department at 609-492-1212.

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