3 Reasons The Bay Area & California Aren’t Planning New Locks Even Amid A Delta Rise


The peak in coronavirus cases driven by the delta variant has caused the return of a familiar restriction in the Bay Area: an indoor mask warrant for everyone.

But could this latest wave bring back a much more disruptive measure to the Bay Area or even statewide – namely, foreclosure orders?

The answer so far, according to California and many county officials, is no.

That’s because this surge has stood out from the rest over the past year and a half: it’s the first to strike after the widespread deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, and the coronavirus and the public health tools to combat it have. significantly changed.

The California Department of Public Health said in an email Thursday that between masking, testing and more than 75% of eligible people in the state having received at least one dose of the vaccine, lockdowns would not be necessary. .

“California can continue to keep businesses open and get children back to classrooms safely,” the department said.

San Francisco and Alameda County Health Departments also said this week they were not considering ordering shelter in place. This is also the case for San Mateo County, according to Preston Merchant, public information officer at the Department of Public Health.


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