Earlier this month, our species enjoyed the very first image of the black hole event horizon.
Now, it turns out that the black monster is sending a super powerful "jet" in our direction.
On April 10, scientists published an image of the black hole in the center of a galaxy called Messier 87 (M87), which was captured by the Event Horizon telescope using light in the radio wave lengths .
NASA has released another image showing the entire galaxy in infrared light.
It shows two jets, one of which is directed to our planet.
"The brightest jet, to the right of the center of the galaxy, moves almost directly to Earth. Its brightness is amplified by its high speed in our direction, but even more so by what scientists call "relativistic effects", which result from the fact that the material contained in the jet moves at a speed close to that of light. , writes Nasa.
"The trajectory of the jet is slightly shifted from our line of sight to the galaxy, so we can still see part of the jet's length. The shock wave begins around the point where the jet seems to bend, highlighting the regions in which the rapidly moving particles collide with the gas in the galaxy and slow down. & # 39;
The cause of the jets is unclear, even though it is thought that they are produced when the gas is sucked into the greedy mouth of the hole.
"Scientists are still looking for a solid theoretical understanding of how gas sucked into black holes creates outgoing jets," NASA added.
We are pleased to announce that the galactic gobbler is 55 million light-years away, meaning that the beam is no threat to the Earth.
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