Doctors discover tick is embedded in boy's eardrum after complaints about weird buzz – Boston News, Weather, Sports


(WHDH) – Doctors who treated a 9-year-old boy who complained of an unusual feeling and a weird buzz in the right ear were shocked when they found a tick lodged in his eardrum.

The Connecticut boy went to the Yale New Haven Children's Hospital to report the symptoms, but he was not complaining of pain and could hear normally, according to a CNN report citing the New Journal of Medicine.

While examining his ear, Dr. Erik Waldman wrote in the newspaper that he had seen a tick that appeared to be implanted in the eardrum and surrounded by inflamed tissue.

Waldman says he tried to remove the tick, but it would not have moved because it was so deep.

Dr. David Kasle, co-author of the report with Waldman, said the part of the mouth of the tick that drank blood was holding the eardrum.

The doctors were unable to remove the tick because it could tear the boy's tympanic membrane. Instead, the boy was sedated and a delicate operation was performed.

"We took her to the operating room, slept her and we were able to use some really good utensils to remove the tick's head," said Kasle.

Ear drops were prescribed to the boy to help heal tick-borne abrasions.

Doctors say it's "quite unusual" to find ticks embedded in a tympanum.

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