Your best bet to get a breathtaking glimpse of the Leonid meteor shower this month


Have you heard of the Leonid meteor shower? It happens every November, but the chances of seeing it this year are much higher than last year.

The shower occurs at the same time each year, when Earth’s orbit crosses the orbit of comet Tempel-Tuttle, according to

A trail of dust is left behind the comet, and when Earth’s orbit crosses this trail, pieces of the comet fall toward the surface of our planet.

The resistance of the air causes the comet’s crumbs to heat up and ignite in the balls of fire that we call meteors.

They are as small as a grain of sand or a pea, so they tend to burn completely before touching the Earth’s surface.

So how and when can you see them?

Luckily for us, meteors are visible to the naked eye and the rain will peak overnight Monday through Tuesday (November 16-17) around 3 a.m.

The good news is that sky watchers will likely be able to see meteors a few days before and after the peak, when they will still be able to see around 10 to 15 meteors per hour.

So mark your calendar, grab a sweater and find a place to sit, relax, and see a beautiful show.


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