UW Health encourages patients to sign up for vaccine appointments where possible


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Current Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are only available for adolescents aged 16 and 18, respectively. Because children’s immune systems are different from adults and react differently at different ages, research that has been done on vaccines for those 16 and older needs to be repeated on younger children. However, it is hoped that a full pediatric vaccine will be available by the end of 2021. And fortunately, the virus so far appears to affect children much less severely than adults.

MADISON, Wisconsin – UW health officials are telling patients to be on the lookout for COVID-19 vaccines anywhere they can find one.

Due to the limited supply from the federal government, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services can only allocate relatively small amounts of vaccine relative to community needs.

“While we are hopeful that the vaccine supply will eventually increase, we have been told that vaccinators outside the health system, such as pharmacies, local businesses, community organizations and pop-up clinics , will play an important role in the delivery of vaccines, ”Dr. Matt Anderson, senior medical director of primary care at UW Health, said.

Anderson said UW Health plans to provide patients with information about other local vaccinators as other options become available. If patients make an appointment with another vaccinator, they should cancel their appointment with UW Health so that others can sign up for open slots.


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