Texas dad strips down in swimsuit to take a stand on school mask mandates


“We follow certain rules for a very good reason,” said the man, almost naked.

As the mask warrants sparked heated debate at school board meetings nationwide, a man from Texas took a bold approach to show his support: he stripped down to his swimsuit.

The stunt occurred during a meeting Monday for the Dripping Springs Independent School District near Austin.

James Akers, a 15-year-old resident of Dripping Springs, began his allotted 90 seconds during the public commentary by saying he had put three kids through the school district and one currently in high school.

“I’m here to say that I don’t like the government or any other entity – just ask my wife – tell me what to do,” he said. “But sometimes I have to push the envelope back a bit. And I just decided I’m not just going to talk about it, but I’m going to walk the walk.”

Akers went on to explain how much he hated the jacket, shirt and tie he had to wear for work, before proceeding with the removal of the three.

He hinted at hiding the opposition and spoke sarcastically about driving through three stop signs and four red lights on the way to the meeting and parking in a handicapped space. “I almost killed someone there, but by God those are my roads too, so I have every right to drive as fast as I want,” he said.

“It’s just protocol, folks,” he continued, having now removed his pants and standing in front of the school board members in bathing suits.

“We follow certain rules for a very good reason,” he said before his time was up.

Board chair Barbara Stroud addressed the stunt, which drew a mix of gasps, laughs and cheers from the crowd.

“Mr. Akers I understand I believe you are a swimmer but if you don’t mind putting your pants back on for a comment that would be appreciated,” she said.

Akers put his pants back on as two district police officers stood nearby, before walking away shirtless to minor applause.

“If we could have the order, please, so that we can continue with our public comment,” Stroud said.

Akers explained his intention in more detail with Austin’s KXAN station on Tuesday, saying it was “an easy message.”

“There are too many voices out there who I think are digging for political reasons, and absolutely not thinking about the common sense decisions we make every day to comply with everything from driving on the road to driving. safety and courtesy to other drivers, not to park in disabled spaces, ”he told the station. “All these rules that are given to us every day and that we follow because they make sense, and we ourselves know that it makes sense for the community.”

Masks are currently optional for staff and students of the Dripping Springs Independent School District. Other Texas school districts are requiring masks, in defiance of Gov. Greg Abbott’s executive order banning mask warrants in the state.

On Wednesday, a Dallas judge issued a temporary injunction against Abbott’s ban, allowing mask warrants issued by local leaders and school districts to remain in place for now.


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