Storms Return Monday – WISH-TV | Indianapolis News | Indiana weather


INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – A last hot summer day will also bring a chance for heavy storms on Monday night.

On Monday:

Most of the day will be dry, windy and hot, with partly cloudy conditions. Highs hit low in the mid-1980s.

Monday evening:

The cold front will bring a line of storms from Illinois in the early evening. A few storms could be strong to severe, with damaging winds being the main concern, although hail and even an isolated tornado cannot be ruled out. Thunderstorms are expected to clear the area around midnight.

The lowest fall in the upper 50s.


Mostly sunny and slightly cooler, but still well above average. The peaks reach the mid-1970s.

8 day forecast:

Temperatures will remain warm in the middle and at the end of the week. The system will bring rain to the area from Thursday to Friday, followed by nearer normal temperatures for the weekend through early next week.


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