A common supplement that is readily available could have an unexpected effect on heart health


Most people take glucosamine supplements to relieve joint pain. Although a controversy remains about the supposed benefits of the substance for your joints, a new study has shown that glucosamine could have a positive effect of another type.

A large study of nearly half a million medical records suggests that people taking this popular supplement appear to have a much lower risk of developing coronary artery disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions.

Researchers at Tulane University in New Orleans used data from the British Biobank to investigate suspicions that glucosamine could have beneficial effects on health, in addition to alleviating the pain caused by the bad knees.

In many countries around the world, including the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, glucosamine is sold over the counter as a food. This means that the authorities are convinced that it will not hurt you in small doses, but do not recommend it as a treatment.

This does not prevent retailers from promoting it to consumers as a scientific treatment of inflammatory diseases, including osteoarthritis.

Glucosamine is an amino sugar naturally present in animals and fungi, which is an integral part of biochemical "building" structures such as chitin.

This makes glucosamine a stepping stone to other polysaccharide compounds used in the construction of tissues such as cartilage. Taking this compound is supposed to help promote the repair of used articular cartilage in our spines – at least according to marketing claims.

Although it is not an unreasonable thought, the reality is a little ambiguous.

It is true that research generally tends to show a significant improvement in the symptoms of degeneration and inflammation of the joints, especially if it is used with another supplement called chondroitin sulfate.

Doubts remain as to the quality of methodologies, especially among studies conducted by potentially conflicting companies. Until now, the European Union is not convinced of the benefits of the supplement, which are only available on prescription.

As long as there will be no consensus on a clear cause-and-effect relationship between the supplement and the health claims, the glucosamine record will remain somewhat cloudy.

This new study – which the authors said has no conflict of interest – may not give a decisive vote on the subject, but it adds an interesting new perspective.

The research team analyzed just over 466,000 records of people showing no signs of cardiovascular disease event. They were then asked about their use of supplements such as glucosamine.

Over the next seven years, participants were followed for signs of heart disease and stroke.

Taking into account factors such as smoking, body mass index, diet and age, the researchers found that one in five participants who regularly consumed glucosamine was less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease.

In addition, they were 9% less likely to have a stroke and 18% less likely to develop coronary artery disease. They were also 22% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease.

By taking into account smoking, regular intake of glucosamine reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by more than a third among current smokers.

The research does not directly help us understand the potential mechanisms of the impact of extra glucosamine on our health. But, taken in the context of other research, increased levels of glucosamine in the blood may help reduce levels of c-reactive protein, associated with inflammation.

As usual, more research could help build a strong case. Each year, nearly 18 million people die from cardiovascular disease, so it is worth keeping up the momentum of a simple supplement.

In the meantime, glucosamine supplements should always be taken with the figurative salt grain.

Although they are a rather harmless supplement for most of us, there are risks for anyone using it at the same time as drugs such as warfarin. Talk to your doctor first before buying a bottle.

This research was published in The bmj.


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