A nurse and six family members have Covid-19. And it started with a little act of kindness


Burke spoke to CNN’s Don Lemon on Wednesday through an oxygen mask. She said she had treated coronavirus patients throughout the pandemic, but now she and her family members – from her 2-year-old diabetic daughter to her now-deceased 98-year-old father – are now among the more than 13.9 people. million people who have been infected with the coronavirus in the United States.

In light of the recent spike in cases, hospitalizations and deaths, health experts have warned that getting together for the holidays could make matters worse. And Burke is now among those urging Americans to take the virus seriously.

“We are fighting a virus, we are fighting a pandemic that will kill us,” she said. “We must fight together to save our individual families.”

Her family’s infections started with an act of kindness, Burke said. Her mother took a walk to an elderly and sick friend who said she had a cold.

It turned out to be a coronavirus, Burke said.

“My mom let her guard down for a while,” Burke said. “And at that quick moment, my whole family was affected.”

Now Burke has a hard time doing things as simple as breathing. Her 2 year old daughter suffered from high fevers. Her son and eldest daughter felt sick. Her mother is at home with oxygen and is unable to breathe on her own after six days of hospitalization, she said.

And his father died from the virus while on a ventilator.

“I understand that everyone needs to survive, and I understand that financial difficulties are also real and painful,” she said. “But … wouldn’t you want to leave with your family alive, healthy, without nerve damage?”

“You don’t want to spend your money on funerals and burials for your loved ones”


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