260 soon doctors will return to South Africa


A total of 260 students sent to study medicine in Cuba have returned to South Africa and will soon contribute to the health of the nation, said Sunday the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health

"The return of students are very exciting.It's humiliating.You can see parents crying tears of joy, "said Dr. Sibongiseni Dhlomo in a statement." They remember how they sailed this six-year trip to a country. Foreign. "

In particular, he National Health Insurance training – which focuses on primary health care – would benefit from the expertise of the students.

"These students, who come back as Cuban-trained doctors, are guided by this way of life: primary health care, health promotion, health education, disease prevention, all of this. is exciting for us as South Africa, "said Mr Dhlomo

" We hope we will turn the corner, thanks to them. "

Returning students will spend the next 18 months finalizing their qualifications at a South African university before starting to work as physicians."

The 260 are part of a group of 2,885 southern medical students -africans who have been sent to Cuba for studies.] "No less than 590 doctors have already qualified in the training program since it started in 1996, while 98 students are doing their final year in the South African medical schools. "

One of the students returning from Cuba, Zazi Zulu" I want to use my skills and know-how and work diligently for the benefit of my compatriots, "he said.

I would also like to welcome to the 260 Cuban-trained medical students who have returned home today.
The Public Service is eager to take advantage of your new skills.
On your shoulders lies the well-being of our people. dignity pic.twitter.com/Taf4kdRzVM

– Ayanda Dlodlo (@MinAyandaDlodlo) July 8, 2018

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