WATCH: Cape Town launches #SafeSpace for homeless people in the city


Cape Town – The homeless and transient people in Cape Town now have another safe place to rest their heads, if existing shelters already in full swing are too full.

The new facility is expected to fill the lack of shelter for homeless residents of the Cape CBD, but will also serve as a stepping stone to those who want help to get out of the street.

The Department of Social Development and Early Childhood Development of the City of Cape Town opened Tuesday the doors of its security center for the people of the street, in the bitter cold of a cold front [19659004] #SafeSpace The project has been in progress for more than 5 years. @IOL @TheCapeArgus

– Marvin Charles (@ MarvinCharles17) July 3, 2018

The pilot project site, located under the bridge of Culemborg on the foreshore, is a transitional accommodation facility where up to 230 people on the street will be able to spend the night once it is fully operational. They will also have access to sanitary facilities, water and storage space for their belongings.

The #SafeSpace can accommodate up to 230 people when fully operational. Image: Provided / City of Cape Town

The facility will also provide access to a range of social and medical services, with badessments and referrals done on the spot. Short-term work opportunities will also be available through the Expanded Program of Public Works (EPWP), among others.

"The concept of safe space is something that has been talked about in the administration for many years, but planning has begun," said JP Smith, a member of the Security and Safety Committee. safety and social services.

WATCH: Hans September says he feels safer in the new initiative of the city called #SafeSpace @TheCapeArgus @IOL [19659015]

– Marvin Charles (@MarvinCharles17) July 3, 2018

"We hope to achieve a number of things through this initiative: on the one hand, we want reduce existing shelters and reduce the number of regulatory infractions that occur; with people sleeping or erecting structures in the open air, but we also want to develop relationships with our clients over a period of time which we hope will lead to reinstatement for some. "

#SafeSpace will be cleaned three times by a service provider a week, with the day-to-day cleaning responsibilities left to the residents themselves Photo: Provided / City of Cape Town

People wishing to use the Installation will receive a storage locker, a sleeping pad, a sleeping bag and blanket, as well as a wellness pack containing essential hygiene products.The City works in partnership with external service providers to provide specialized services, soup kitchens and other food services on the site.

#SafeSpace This facility will serve as a transitional shelter since existing shelters are currently overcrowded in the CBD and surrounds @IOL @TheCapeArgus

– Marvin Charles (@MarvinCharles17) July 3, 2018

A provider of services was appointed to clean the site three times a week, while daily cleaning tasks will be carried out by nominated street people through the expanded public works program. City Health will also make regular visits to monitor vectors and make recommendations for medical services. The site will also have a team dedicated to law enforcement to ensure security.

The Safe Space opened on Friday, June 29, 2018 and admitted a small group to test the access and placement systems. Up to now, 11 people from the street have been accommodated, including two people with disabilities. The installation is expected to be fully operational by mid-July 2018.

#SafeSpace The pilot project is a first for Cape Town and aims to provide a night shelter under the Culemborg Bridge on l & # 39; foreshore. @TheCapeArgus @IOL

– Marvin Charles (@ MarvinCharles17) July 3, 2018

"There is no model of model or best practice for the provision of We literally learn as we progress, but I believe that it is best to try to adapt as and when not to try to to do so, managing safe spaces for street people in the city, with the goal of helping street people to stay on the street and to be reintegrated into society, "Smith said. 19659004] #SafeSpace JP Smith, member of the Public Security Committee, has arrived @IOL @TheCapeArgus

– Marvin Charles (@ MarvinCharles17) July 3, 2018

According to the City, these are the benefits of the safe space for people of the world. a street:
* Most shelters are at maximum capacity. The Safe Space will provide a controlled area for 230 street people in the CBD
* Provides a drug-free / alcohol-free / weapons-free space
* Can reduce the number of erected shelters and accumulated garbage in the CBD
* Can reduce the number of joint operations with law enforcement to remove temporary shelters, save on labor and resource costs
* Provides street people with access to social and psychosocial services that is reunited with families or their community
* Gives street people the opportunity to take part in EPWP programs thus reducing begging / aggressive begging in the street in the CBD
* Provides street people with access to health services, clean water and ablution facilities thus improving the quality of life
* Reduces the amount of human waste s in and around the CBD area
* Provides street people with the opportunity to access addiction support
* Provides a content space for NGOs to provide services to people of the street


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Cape Argus

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