"I never see him turning against the organization that did it" – Ramaphosa on Zuma


President Cyril Ramaphosa does not believe that his predecessor Jacob Zuma will ever leave the ANC.

Ramaphosa was addressing France24 on the sidelines of the Assembly of African Union Heads of State in Mauritania

to have total faith and confidence that President Zuma will remain a member of the ANC until the last day of his life in this world, "said Ramaphosa.

Zuma was linked to the formation of a new political party based in his home province of KwaZulu-Natal He personally rejected the reports

He also faces legal problems and appeared before the High Court of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban on charges of corruption.

Besides, Zuma is bitter with the party after he asked him to resign earlier this year.Zuma has however continued to attend regular ANC events ever since.

Ramaphosa said that Zuma had grown up in the ANC and would never turn against the organiza

"He is a member of the ANC Blue Blood who has been in the ANC forever and one day and the ANC is in his blood, I do not I never see him turning against the organization that made him what he is, "he said.

Ramaphosa also denied the speculations of another split within the ruling party. Instead, he said that the ANC "united" before the 2019 national elections after a leadership contest before his elective conference in December

"The ANC is like a The ANC is going to stand up, he will run for election and he will win these elections comfortably, "he said.

However, Ramaphosa did not respond directly to a question asking him if he regretted not having spoken.He was serving as MP for Zuma or he would have done things differently.

"I often ask people like that what i'm 39 should have done: should I have resigned, would it have helped, should I go on the roof, scream? and shouted or should I have stayed inside to work within the structures and to ensure that the government holds together to bring us to where we are today? "

He said that Zuma was committed to conducting the corruption trial, and said that the case was now" in the hands of the court. "

" We renew the government , reestablishes a sense of determination and those who have done are treated, "he said.

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