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As what was called the coldest day of 2018 swept through Johannesburg on Tuesday, dozens of people found themselves destitute after their homes and belongings were destroyed in fires that affected 40 shacks in Alexandra and Soweto. informal settlements are often razed by devastating fires, which spread rapidly because secure electrical connections often do not exist and people use candles, open flames and gas or oil stoves to light, heat and cook.

which could mean a faster reaction time to the emergencies of residents and authorities.

Lumkani fire detectors are low cost networked devices that can detect fires as soon as they ignite. These devices, which have been designed specifically for informal settlements, record rapid temperature spikes, triggering an alarm that uses radio frequencies to alert devices in nearby homes.

The detectors are controlled by a central intelligent device that locates the GPS. -ordinates of the fire and sends text messages to neighbors to warn them.

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