Man (79) Assaulted at Chatsworth Jewelry Store


Durban – A 79-year-old man was badaulted during an armed robbery in Chatsworth on Monday. According to the police spokesman, Captain Nqobile Gwala, a gang of armed men entered commercial premises and demanded money and jewelry.

"The victim was badaulted by suspects who then fled into a blue BMW.At this stage, it is unclear what was caught during the flight.The windows of two other commercial premises were damaged. medical treatment at the hospital, "she said.

She said that the police in Chatsworth were investigating a case of theft.

Meanwhile, an 80-year-old man was shot down following a shootout with police in Bergville earlier in the day.

Police say, at 11 am, Bergville police were pursuing a shootout on a farm in the area

KZN SAPS Communications Officer, Brigadier Jay Naicker, said the old man shot another man, his goats allegedly confiscated allegedly.

"The victim was shot in the face and was transported at the hospital to be treated, police officers and a n hostage gociateur approached the & # 39; man of 80 years for the purpose of & # 39; stop and the & # 39; charge of attempted murder. he fired at the police who fought back, mortally wounding the man. "

Naicker added that the man's firearm had been seized after the shooting.

" A case of attempted murder as well as an investigation were opened for a further investigation, "said Naicker.

Daily News

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