No cabinet reshuffle due to leadership contest – Makhura


The new president of the Gauteng ANC, David Makhura, says that he will not use his role in both the political party and the government to get rid of people who have preferences different leadership. Makhura without mentioning any name

Intense lobbying took place throughout the faculty conference of the ANC Gauteng 13 weekend at Irene, Pretoria.

The top 5 Gauteng Province Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi as Vice President, Jacob Khawe as Secretary, Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko as Khawe's Deputy and former Mayor of Johannesburg Parks Tau was elected treasurer

READ: Makhura elected unopposed president ANC Gauteng

The four represent two different slates that clashed in fierce contestation throughout the weekend. The factions agreed on Makhura because he was elected unopposed as president of the province.

The list also wanted to see the economic development of Gauteng MEC Lebogang Maile as provincial vice president and the mayor of Ekurhuleni Mzwandile Masina as treasurer.

In a video that circulated on social networks, Maile could be seen explaining to delegates who vote and saying that they would leave Makhura "for now" in a role of ANC leader. in the province known as South Africa. economic center.

"No CMEs, even if they have a different point of view against me, will not be dismissed from the cabinet because they have a different point of view," retorted Makhura after asking the crowded conference room if the premier of Gauteng. He said that no member of the ANC should be "treated" to have different perspectives, even at the regional and branch level, however, he said that the leadership collective n & # He would not hesitate to act in the face of bad discipline. but if you use your differences to do bad things, we come for you, "he said.

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