A family devastated by the death of Professor Prof Bongani Mayosi, says that he struggled with depression


The South African cardiologist, Professor Bongani Mayosi, has committed suicide as a result of a fight against depression, said his family on Saturday

"he fought against depression during the last two years to end his life, "said the family in a statement – the veracity of which was confirmed by News24.

" We are still struggling to cope with this devastating loss. "

The family has asked for intimacy during this "difficult period."

Mayosi died Friday morning.

READ: Ramaphosa presents his condolences following the death of a renowned cardiologist

The family extended an invitation to those who wanted to join them in their daily prayers at their funeral on August 4.

At the time of his death, Mayosi was dean of the Faculty of the University of Cape Town's health and c Herder of the National Research Foundation.

Meanwhile, the Parliament on Saturday issued a statement honoring the legacy of Mayosi, who received in 2009 the highest distinction of the country, the Order of Mapungubwe

"The Death of the Professor Mayosi deprived South Africa of one of the best brains, pbadionate health experts who still had a lot to offer the nation, "said the government spokesman

who owes him his "immense contribution to the country's health research policy and strategy". Earlier, President Cyril Ramaphosa had expressed his condolences on behalf of the government and South Africans as a whole

"May his soul rest in peace", he said

Bongani Mayosi: Healing the Hearts, write history

Bongani Mayosi's ambition to become a doctor was shaped at the back of a Land Rover as the car bounced off the hills in the vast sky of the district of Amathole in the Eastern Cape.

Tragic News: Prof. Bongani Mayosi, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at UCT died at the age of 51. Our condolences to his wife and children, as well as to his family and friends. That Bongani rest in peace and that his contribution is always commemorated by a grateful nation. pic.twitter.com/TBIKcUi7bE

– Adam Habib (@AdHabb) July 27, 2018

Prof. Bongani Mayosi has inspired a generation of doctors. I still often listen to this for motivation. Lived a life of impact! We aspire to reach such heights. Thank you for your life Prof.

Bongani Mayosi, head of the UCT School of Medicine https://t.co/swfG95GNcC

– BoJack (@Geoff_Modise) July 27, 2018

The world is a desperately sad place tonight with news of the death of the great #bonganimayosi previous head of the Department of Medicine @UCTHealthSci and recently Dean. I feel blessed to have worked under Bongani and benefited from his leadership, kindness and humanity ?? pic.twitter.com/WRRyc3RaJz

– Marc Mendelson (@SouthAfricanASP) July 27, 2018

This is not just the UCT that lost a medical giant, but the rest of the world mourns your loss. Your contribution and your inspiration, like a ripple, continues even in your death.

Umthi omkhulu uwile, isithonga siyavakala, lala ngoxolo tata. Rest in peace Prof Bongani Mayosi. pic.twitter.com/QoEz3AwnKo

– Dr. Asafika (@ AsafikaPluto) July 28, 2018

Professor Bongani M Mayosi. An incredible leader, a brilliant mind. Deeply saddened and shocked by the news. A huge loss for humanity and RHD research. It was a great privilege to be supervised by you. Sincere condolences to the Mayosi family. Left too early. RIP #bonganimayosi ?? pic.twitter.com/Q4tEip7Z30

– Dylan Barth (@CrocoDylbert) July 28, 2018

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