Ace Magashule takes on the "counter-revolutionaries" who bring the ANC to justice


ANC Secretary-General Ace Magashule blasted party members who continue to pursue the party "if a decision does not favor the individual".

Earlier Thursday, unhappy members traveled to KwaZulu-Natal. High Court of Pietermaritzburg to apply for a ban to stop the 8th optional provincial conference ANC KZN to proceed. However, the application was dismissed with costs.

Read more here: The ANC KZN facultative conference takes place while the application of the forbidden fails

The conference was to take place on the month last in Empangeni. Forbidden at the eleventh hour after some disgruntled branches took the party to the courts before it started.

The ANC KZN provincial executive committee was dismantled earlier this year, after the Pietermaritzburg High Court ruled in September last year. the November 2015 elective conference was illegal.

But on Thursday, when he officially opened the conference in Durban, Magashule called those who brought the party to the court of counterrevolutionaries.

"Is it because you are financed by counter-revolutionaries, who gives you money, who pays your council?" Should we conclude that it is these people who want to derail the government? "Organization? The enemy of the revolution is among you." He asked members to "follow the line" when the highest structure of the ANC spoke.

He added that the ANC had exhausted all internal processes dealing with disgruntled members who sued the ANC in court at the eleventh hour last month, shortly before the Empangeni conference

The National Resolution Committee NDRC, led by Deputy Secretary General Jessie Duarte, and the National Executive Committee of the Movement, led by Nocawe Mafu, visited the province, the Lower South Coast Region Appeals and Grievances Treaty, Moses Mabhida and Harry Gwala.

"What do you still want when we have ep used all the internal processes of the ANC? If you are a member of the ANC, you must resp ect conference resolutions. The opinions of the majority must prevail over the opinions of individuals, "said Magashule.

He urged delegates to use the conference to" self-introspect and correct themselves. " "

one to the other or to our people.We must restore the dignity of the party.We must understand where there is a revolution, there is always a counter-revolution." [19659002MagashulesuggestedthatsomemembersoftheANCwerepoorlydisciplined

"They do not take the instructions from the ANC.The ANC is the center of power, not you.I do not matter if you are a prime minister or a councilor.We have to work as a collective and sharing our wisdom Those who lose their place at this conference have a duty to respect the results of the conference and to accept new leaders, "said Magashule.

Magashule also used the platform to congratulate former president Jacob Zuma for his role in the country's struggle.

"During his tenure, he made bold decisions and led our movement to provide free education for all students in our country, especially those belonging to the working clbad and poor families". he said.

Magashule says Zuma has also introduced a radical socio-economic transformation. can not be that the wealth of our country is in the hands of a few. You, who are public representatives, should stop complaining and make sure that you do not speak but that you speak. You have to transform the economy of our country and change the lives of our people, "he said.

On the emotional issue of land redistribution, he said:" We do not want to change our land. We do not need to dilute the resolutions of the 54 th ANC conference, the land must return to its owners. Our goal must be on the 87% of the earth in the hands of these oppressors. The land that is in the hands of the minority, "he said.

Magashule stated that the KZN was a" reservoir of wisdom for the direction of the ANC "

" Five presidents on the 13th that the ANC has "

He also asked delegates to use the conference to forge unity in the province because" the ANC in KwaZulu-Natal is the The backbone of our party ".

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